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Alignment: LN

Worshippers' Alignment: LN

Domain: Dracon, Soldiers, Discipline

Colors: Blue

Holy Warrior: Justicar

Clerical Domains: Evil, Good, Protection, Strength, War

More information on Toran

War, evil, or even peace and goodness do not really concern the creator of the Dracon. His message is one of order. If everyone can go about their business in an orderly way, things will run much smoothly, whether they are wars, or good deeds. Absolute discipline is the key.

Discipline. Strict, unflagging, unfailing discipline, this is the path to enlightenment in the eyes of Toran. There is no other way. The only way to bring about the stillness that comes when one's thoughts and actions are controlled is to enforce discipline on oneself and on the outside world. The chaos of the world can "leak" into a person. If one is in a quiet environment, it is much easier to become quiet along with it.

Battles are fought by the followers of Toran in all wars on the face of Avlis. They are highly prized as mercenaries because they will fight for almost anyone, and they do so in an extremely well disciplined and organized shock troop manner.

If there's a war that Toran's clerics cannot stop, then they will do their best to make sure it's fought in an orderly fashion as opposed to having chaotic assemblies of ragtag troops going at it. Toran does not much care whose side you're on, or even why you are fighting as long as the cause requires an orderly military solution.