Mikona:Recent Events:PlotLines:Gentleman

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The being most commonly known as The Gentleman was originally named In-Nabbah Ser. He was one of Negaria's original nature spirits. When the tanar'ri slaughtered the nature spirits during the Age of the Gods In-Nabbah Ser fled to a demiplane which he referred as The Hole. He was trapped in The Hole but it corrupted and strengthened him. Over the millennia various people learned of his existence and summoned him from The Hole in the hopes of binding him to their will. These attempts invariably failed, and In-Nabbah Ser would possess his would-be summoner and wreak havok upon the land until banished back into The Hole. Every time he would take on characteristics of the creature he possessed; he was twice known as the Woargschadeugh, dwergan for "the wrath shadow." In modern times he appeared thrice as The Gentleman, named so for his extreme politeness.

The First Appearance of the Gentleman

The Second Appearance of the Gentleman

The Third and Final Appearance of the Gentleman

  • (11/3/18-12/16/18) The Gentleman returns for a third time in 2259 AOD. He seemingly kills Dagath and steals his godly mantle. The adventurers of southern Negaria band against him and finally defeat him. Dagath is reborn and the Tyeduan spirit-goddess Ti'si'faan, who aided in The Gentleman's defeat, becomes a lesser goddess.