PCs:Bheem/Journal/Fall of Kaegan

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5th December 2004 The Fall of Kaegan Clovenhelm

Arrr… Fegall’s hairy arse gave me the shite today aye. Un of our finest lads, Kaegan Clovenhelm passed away inta the halls of his clanfathers. He fell in the caverns o’ Deglos, where his body were found by un of the Gorethites. Seems he were withdrawin’ from the South ta go back home. Thror tol’ me tha’ he were ambushed by bandits, hookies an’ a coupla water ellies. Dunno ‘ow tha’ bunch worked tagether, bu’ Kaegan went down fightin’ proudly, the bodies of his foes lyin’ round him.

Kaegan mate, ye be a Dwergen I respected fer yer strength o' principle an' prowess in battle. Ye were the first an’ only bloke I e’er saw wieldin’ two dwergen axes an’ kickin’ the shite outta yer foes. Yer passin’ comes as a shock ta me truly. I 'ope ye find peace wi’ yer Lord, Gorethar an' given yer rightful place o' honour among yer clanfathers.

Daibh famoch bhon wair, vruend Kaegan. Hoboch daibh iarfah Gorethar behnoch. Gudein Rois. Daibh neutoch aozeit kaithnaroch ain wair herzode.

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