PCs:Leilani Wanaka

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Name: Leilani Wanaka
Race: Half-Nymph
Gender: Female
Age: Early 20's
Occupation: Gyhdja
Class: Cleric
Faith: Sun kissed of Ti'si'faan
Motto: Come lay nude in the field to be blessed by our lady and feel her warmth
Birthplace: Tyedu
Current Residence: The Leaping Stag


A joyful spirited young woman, radiating warmth and light. Her accent is soft yet husky of a Tyedu dialect. Warm copper eyes hold you in her warm gaze. Unusual in the cold of Tyedu, Leilani's skin is kissed with warmth, rounded but distinguished features that make her seem naturally angelic in appearance.


Leilani was born in the cold north, to the loving arms of her mother, a gifted soothsayer of the Klitikuk tribe, and her father, a previously known travelling merchant, setting his roots in the brutish winds of the north.

Leilani was an inquisitive child, finding any excuse to explore and learn and idolising the goddess who saved their people, to bring warmth to the lands and help their crops in which her father tended.

As Leilani grew older she focused on the teachings of Ti'si'fann, learning from the healers of her tribes. Leilani is a seeker of bright dreams, the gift of visions from her mother.

At the age of 18, Leilani left the Klitikuk tribe to journey her pilgrimage with two of her friends who were to act as her bodyguards. As they journeyed south, her two companions vanished without a trace and is yet to locate them.

The futher south she travelled, the clearer the visions become. Specifically two monks, all unknown to one another and a warming presence. Leilani pressed forward to reach the place she saw in her dreams. A place of lush trees and a cloudy sky, but a will to drive her forward none the less.
