Shan's Secrets 2007
![]() This is the 2007 Section of Shannen Di'rithia's Journal Named SHAN'S SECRETS: It is a good-sized book, with a blue leather cover and tied with an old bow string. A lovely white feather is used as a bookmark.
Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:50 pmTwo pieces of parchment with writing in her husband's hand are folded neatly and put in place inside Shannen's journal.
Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:50 pmShannen’s writing is extra loopy and kind of large. Can it be: a home for us? For all of us? A home! A place for family and neighbors and babies and friendships! A nook in an alcove in a real neighborhood not hiding. A place to stand in the middle of and look around and point, saying, “Oh So and So lives there,” turn a little and point again, “And our friends Such and Such live there,” and turn once again to point to a new place, “That’s where the Whoosie Family lives now, they've come to start fresh,” then point again in yet another direction and whisper, “Stay out of that one’s yard, that’s Blankety-blank, the Neighborhood Grump!” I’ll pray and pray. I won’t stop, Cha’reth, I won’t! It’s scary to want something so much and to feel vulnerable. My heart's exposed . . . but I’m leaping. Rune’s always there catching me, arms open and eyes smiling, words reassuring, love unending. I’m brave. He makes me brave, he lets me dream and hope. I think I could fly right now! I am so proud of him. And I knew he could do it, knew he would do it! Cha'reth thank you. |
Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:43 amI've neglected writing for too long . . . again! It makes my thoughts all jumbled to not write for so long. We return from Lomir and Cynn's wedding on the island. It was hard to leave Avlis, knowing all the work before me . . . and hard to come back, also knowing all the work before me. I'll continue, though, and do so willingly and with a happy heart. Anyway, it was a lovely ceremony, even more to have Saffie officiating, and to look around and see new faces and also spend time with those I've not seen in so long since . . . being there before. The island's beauty is not as quiet without Goldie on it. Of course it isn't. She's everywhere now, making a racket. I hadn't realized it would be so hard to go back. But it was. I'm glad it was. I'm glad the trees call her name and fireflies flash with her spark. I like to recognize her glow in every child's face at the Hamlet . . . to feel her in Rayne's hug and hear her in Bruno's laughter . . . to see her in Noor's eyes. Noor's eyes. . . so beautiful with her green dress. Cha'reth, would that you could reach her. . . But we all reach her. We do your works. Rune and I both love weddings. They do always bring us back to the day we bound, the happiest day of my life. Oh and the dancing is delicious. I tasted it. Rune tasted it. I bet not everyone thought it was as mouth-watering as we did . . . poor Layl tasted it when Sephira stomped all over his nice shoes. haha . . . to continue, at least to me, I don't know . . . when I attend a wedding I feel the Life restored by Cha'reth . . . like . . . Apara Thorpe. . . it's the same assault on my senses: The families' laughter is not something I hear. The ear is an entryway for what that laugher IS. And seeing the splash and then drying the tears of one of the children after she falls into the chilly stream: Eyes and Hands are two more passages for the force to enter. Nose smells the earth and plants gardened by the Avariel there. But Nose is a doorway for what I don't know the name of, the stuff that goes to . . . the expanse of something, whatever it is inside of us. Important things arrive to us that way. The way Goldie came to me on the island. The important things are those that enter through our senses and shake us, shape us and wake us up are like kisses: Subtle, personal, quiet . . . but big. They are so big. I hear Rune breathing as he sleeps and when I close my eyes and listen, I'm filled up. These things are so big. |
Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:14 pmSome words are darker than others, that Shannen has gone over and over and over, as pictures flash through her mind between contemplative, retrospective pauses.
My Mother, Cha’reth, gone from me. She’s your girlfriend now. Is Nam jealous? Day thinks he would be. I think he’ll smile to see her. I’m smiling to think it but there is sadness I can’t yet put to words. This is empty. This is lost and my throat is tight. I sit wide-eyed, watching. . . all is going on. Little scenes.
More scenes ahead.
I hear Sally. My Sally. Time for more tea. |