Tue May 17, 2008 3:28 pm
*in Zvid*
So much time to think, and to pray. I've seen Noor several times. . . that she spends so much time with her father is. . . frightening but well, likely she's safe with him physically. . . She's also so sweet and has so much of her mother in her.
Rune and I rented a cottage on Nuvar, and also have a room in Bastion. Rune's found an interest on Hala in a school there. It's exciting really. I think we're where we're meant to be for now.
I came back alone and met with Sirion and Ana. They both are doing well.
Ana is truly coming into her own. Cha'reth has granted her blessings I could never even dream of attaining. That she is ready to be with us and will stay this time is evident. That she has the will and energy to lead us is a blessed gift. The timing is beautiful. . . thank you, Cha'reth. . . and I was able to give to her mother's gloves with Sirion's support. I know deep in my heart that Mother gave them to me only to hold for Ana.
I am no leader. Dependable, yes; Faithful, most certainly. But Leader? No. I am who I am: Cha'reth's daughter, Rune's wife; devoted member of our family of Healers. Mother always knew this. I am Dependable; she knew I'd hold them, do my best, and then give them to Ana. All I want is to do His work, love my family, and, as Ana says, make Rune's babies. ~smileyface~ I don't know that Ana or Saffie understand yet but childrearing among the Avariel is not even optional. It is demanded! I do feel it is my first priority, alongside doing Cha'reth's work. This is my path. Our path. Rune's and mine.
Sirion is . . .oh Cha'reth. . .also thriving. So beautiful; I am so very pleased. I've never written down my feelings about him. Only spoken them -- or rather, touched on them really, because I don't think they can be expressed truly with words -- to Saffie and Sally, to Ana, to Sirion himself of course, with words, but mostly my feelings for him have been unspoken and unwritten. Were Rune to know them, he would understand. Likely he does know. It's not possible that he doesn't, for he knows me better than anyone. Rune IS me, my Soul, my Life.
If ever there was a Hero, there was my Father. He was a healer, the greatest healer I've evern known, before Cha'reth became a god. He embodied everything I admired and loved in my whole soul. I watched my father murdered. I didn't see who did it for they were in shadows; magic hid the assailant. But he was my Hero. He was Hero. My Father. Is there a love stronger than that of a daughter for her father? . . . and here I see how I will always understand Noor, and her father. . . and never ever put between them even one word.
No there is no greater love than a daughter's for her father. None.
I already had been worshipping Cha'reth by the time I met Sirion, but he brought me TO Cha'reth, and brought Cha'reth TO me. To say he is like my father is not accurate. If he were, I'd never have fallen in love with him the way I did. I have to describe any resemblance, perhaps, as them carrying the same immensely strong heart. But he, like my father, is my Hero. He, like my father, shows me who I want to be. I'm no longer in love with Sirion, of course -- after all, I married the greatest love of my life -- but as my Father was and ever will be my Hero, now there is Sirion.