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About Tel

Tel's History

Teleniel has spent most of her life wandering the woods, grasslands, mountains, caves and well just about anywhere she could walk to. Often playful and a bit of a tease she is quick to make friends. She prides herself on her ability to work with animals and has taken many as companions in her short time. Always looking for new things she can often be seen wandering around somewhat aimlessly with only half an eye out for trouble as she looks for anywhere new to explore.

Tel's Outlook

Tel (as she's often called by her friends) will often try to intercede in arguments to at least keep the peace. As both Cleric & Druid, she believes the most important thing for all life is a stable community. She is a friend to almost any animal she comes across... or at least tries to be, although she understands that not everyone has the right personality for the job. While she doesn't enjoy hurting animals, there are times when she will put them down if they decide they need to be between her and her objective.

Tel's Beliefs

For most of Tel's life as she wandered the woods and the mountains she followed what she believed were the teachings of Skern. Trying to lead by example only resorting to violence in defense of herself or others. She looks back at this time in her life as a beginning which has forged her beliefs and made them more resilient.

What might seem like a sudden change to those who have known her well, she has passed her faith on to Dagath. Listening to the church's views on the forest and wilds of the world along with their belief in Rebirth have convinced her that the beliefs on which she lives her life are better fit under his care.

Tel hopes to set an example to those who know her in the hopes that they will follow of their own accord.

  • Violence in defense of yourself and others
  • A harmony with your natural environment

Tel's primary companions:

  • Lyra (Kirre)
    • Intensity Attack
    • Improved Invisibility
    • Magical Bolt

-- Lyra gave Tel quite the start when they first met in the Wilderness near Dwarf trade, however they have quickly become fast friends and can often be seen traveling together.

  • Scales (Shaarda Sand Lizard)
    • Rage
    • Wing Buffet
    • Acid Breath

-- As of right now She is still unsure if he is happy with the name Scales. She is still trying to find something she can pronounce which he may be more responsive to. Large and in charge Scales is always willing to lend a claw or wing to help Tel out of any scrape she gets into.

  • Feather (Kurathene Falcon)
    • ... Intensity Attack
    • ... None
    • ... None

-- Feather is Teleniel's eye in the sky of south western M'chek. She occasionally will travel close with Tel, but she has a bit of a foul temper and most of her visits aren't for very long.

Research Notes