Avlis Campaign 5

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Campaign Title Part
Avlis Campaign 1 The "Jade" Campaign Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Avlis Campaign 2 The West End of Time Part 1, 2, 3, 4
Avlis Campaign 3 Vanoviel and The Godslayer Part 1
Avlis Campaign 4 Rune Quest Part 1, 2
Avlis Campaign 5 The Western Underdark Part 1, 2, 3, 4
Avlis Campaign 6 Daggerspace Part 1, 2, 3
Avlis Campaign 7 Into The Wastes Part 1, 2, 3

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The discovery and dissemination of Runic Magic has been in full swing since Lolobe the Tyeduan leader of the Benteak-Kune clan of Tyedu led his band down into the Underdark to recover the objects needed to rekindle the art, and received his lessons from a mysterious Mikonator mentor.

Soon after his return to the Benteak-Kune, Lolobe was joined by Laramith to repair and rebuild from the damage caused by the Demon Lord armies as they scoured the land looking for clues to casting spells using runes that draw on the Prime Nature for their magic instead of one of the Vortices of Magic that are commonly known around Negaria. Using the Scroll of Damar Binder, which lists all of the known runes of power, the two men began teaching disciples on the surface. Meanwhile, their evil counterpart Dhazeel the Spawn of Alifanitax returned to his underworld home and fled his liege lord, Tru’av’kazh by making his way to the Western Underdark. There he reunited with his old friend, a young adomkuro lad named Evin Binder of The Burning Page and broke the amazing news to Evin that the dreams of the Binder family and their Burning Page organization have finally been fulfilled: the secrets of Runic Magic have been unlocked.

Though Dhazeel did not possess the Scroll of Damar Binder, he did learn all of the runes during his time with the Mikonator and quickly set himself to copying them to other scrolls, which were then kept as closely guarded secrets by The Binders. Evin Binder and another adomkuro associate member of The Death Runes, Yarlan Wayforth, became quick studies in the runes and grew rapidly in power. Their main work for the next decade was the creation of a new wing of The Burning Page comprised of Saemilists able to cast runic magic. This new wing became known as The Glyph Bringers.

In these early years, the teaching and training of new Saemilists

This campaign takes place staring in the year 2207, about a decade after the events of Avlis Campaign 4. It is being DM'ed by Orleron

Chapter 1

There are currently three players in this campaign. Lolobe is a barbarian from the Fighting Eagle tribe of the Benteak-Kune clan grouping from Tyedu. He is joined by two dwarves from Deglos, one a cleric of Mikon and the other is Schwerg Steelaxe, a warrior.

Chapter 2