PCs:Kassha Firehart

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Kassha Firehart

Affiliations and Titles:

A bit of History
Kassha was the seventh child born to Peri and Sala Firehart on a small farm near Bachwood. With four older sisters and two older brothers Kassha soon learned in order to get attention you had to stand out. Every now and then his hasty scheming for attention would back fire but his pearly whites usually got him out of trouble ... that is until Brianna Haggleshort. Brianna was with out a doubt the prettiest girl in the area; long red locks, deep blue eyes, and an ample bosom guaranteed she always got her way. An un-repentant flirt, Kassha soon obtained Brianna's attention with treats of candy, flowers, and sweet words; all of this right under the nose of Brianna's fiancee, or so he thought. The problem was Brianna's fiancee was quite aware of Kassha's flirtations. At first he ignored them, but when he caught Kassha and Brianna sneaking off to a barn he confronted them in a rage. The furious fiancee burst into the barn right at the height of Kassha and Brianna's passion; naked, a little drunk, and really confused Kassha did the first thing that came natural to him ... he cast color spray. The spell worked, dazing the suitor while simultaneously staining random objects random colors. Brianna burst into tears at the sight of her favorite dress stained a deep orange; Kassha on the other hand was pleased that the magical misfire saved him from a severe beating and used the precious seconds obtained to gather his clothes, make a naked dash from the barn, and take a slight pause to admire his hair in a rain barrel which was once raven black, and was now a deep luxurious purple. Hearing Brianna's sobbing and a furious fiancee bursting from a barn, Kassha cast his second spell and quickly decided on a vacation.

More Recently
Kassha can be seen more and more in Mikona. Possibly because of Captain Pike, but know one can really be sure, not even Kassha.