PCs:Sul The Seer

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Sul "The Seer"

Race: Human in appearance

Age: Early 30s

Height: 6' 2"

Current Residence: Southern Avlis

Public Profile

Behind the name Sul The Seer stands a man of imposing height and muscled frame. He moves with an air of quiet confidence and strength, alert and yet composed. Sul keeps a low profile. He can often be spotted at the branches of various trade enterprises of the southernlands - or on the road, clad in leather garments of earthen tones, plain but durable. The omnipresent traveller's cape covers a rucksack and the scabbard of a large, broad blade. Those who have chanced to see Sul without the cape's hood hanging low over his brow, know that his head is always meticulously shaved, save for a topknot of sable hair. Deep coal eyes stand out on his chiselled face, remaining ever narrowed in bright light. Other notable features of his physique are his pale skin and sharpened teeth.


(To be continued)
