Atlas of Avlis
The maps below shows Negaria, the main continent of the world of Avlis. It is divided into a variety of nations and regions.
Nations and Major Regions
This section will give descriptions of the nations and regions, starting with M'Chek and working north up to Tyedu.
- M'Chek
- Blandenberg Protectorate
- T'Nanshi
- Toran Shaarda
- Ferrell
- Dubunat
- Confederation of the Seven Cities
- Brekon
- Drotid
- Deglos
- Galdos
- The Wastelands
- The Kurathene Empire
- Jechran
- Tyedu
- Underdark
Major Cities
- Andarr (one of the Seven Cities)
- Brekon (capital of the oricsh nation of Brekon)
- Bullwark (one of the Seven Cities)
- Crosstreams (one of the Seven Cities)
- Dormiria (one of the Seven Cities)
- Elysia (city state built around the castle of the Champions of O'Ma)
- Grantir (city state of the Drangonari elves)
- Kitanya Hill (base of the Ferrell Council of Elders)
- Kuras (former capital of the now fallen Kurathene Empire)
- Le'Or T'Nanshi (capital of the elven nation of T'Nanshi)
- Malekia (one of the Seven Cities)
- Mikona (capital of the nation of M'Chek)
- Myleah (capital of Jechran)
- Qwanderal (an underwater city of nixies)
- Qwandovia (an underwater city of nixies)
- Red Gate (one of the Seven Cities)
- Stalwart (one of the Seven Cities)
- Toostan-of-the-Clouds (ruined former capitol of the avariel)
- Verloghokbol (a city in the Underdark)
- Visimontium (newly founded city of Andrinor)
Towns, Villages and Keeps
- Bachwood
- The Village of Blandenberg
- Dendigath Post
- Derome Delen
- Derrington Keep
- Eastshore
- Equaloria Keep and Dunster Commons
- Fourtree
- Finmaegan Keep
- Hel'Byssia
- Huntingcreek Hills
- Marizdun
- Minur Khuzad
- Nanshi Urbaz
- Nelthrope Keep
- Nutzdagezehesple
- The Order of the Way
- Kharak Zvidurat (Dwarf Trade)
- Nan Sh'Tal
- Port Eridanus
- Port Nireth
- Quithranos (Fishaven)
- SilverFall
- Southill
- Summerleaf
- Suneal Thorp
- Westshore
- Zural-Dura
- Zvidureth
Other Landmarks
Negaria possesses a wide variety of landscapes, from coastal plains to central mountain ranges and grand valleys and canyons traversed by extensive river systems.
Mountain Ranges
The two largest mountatin ranges lie in the nation of Degolos.
- Hills and Plateaus
- Mountains and Volcanoes
Chasms and Caverns
Forests and Gardens
- Desolation Island west of M'Chek
- The Sahuagin Archipelago southeast of Drotid
- Sargone (island) in Amelede Bay