Name: Ozryel (or so he's called)
Age: 25 ![]() Gender: Male Class: Wizard Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Residence: Largely nomadic, though he keeps an office in Mikona
Appearance Standing around six feet tall and possessing a lean, athletic build due to his great spans of travel and tendency to find trouble, the mage has often been mistaken for an adventurer of a different calling, though this may be due to his eschewing of the traditional mage attire. Considering robes a hinderance and annoyance for large stretches of activity, he often does without the traditional robe and instead can be found wearing either a modified set or simply a long coat over travelers' clothes. The rest of his attire possesses a certain romini flair to it, with rings and bracelets and cuffs, which may or may not have any magic to them. Auburn hair falls just below his ears and is often pushed back off of his face and out of his eyes, as he takes in his surroundings. He spends a great deal of his time on the road and inside of taverns, and his lifestyle is reflected in his appearance, with a seemingly perpetual stubble across his jaw and an overall roughness to his countenance.
Personality For the large majority of his earlier years, Ozryel possessed an eccentric and mirthful personality, which he found meshed well with others within the Red Order. Over time this slowly changed in part due to his instruction under the eyes of the storied magus, Micah Ormane, as well as natural maturity due to age and life on the road. He also credits his further studies into the depths of Shadow Matter Illusions with hardening his outlook some, if asked. Even thus, he could never be mistaken for a stoic and stern personality, often coming off as relaxed, with a witty if not sarcastic comment at the ready. His teacher has often described him as "having a mouth," though he was able to time and place his comments well enough to keep his ability to speak. While once prone to long bouts of rambling before finally reaching his point, he has become more calm and collected, staying more on point and with a greater sense of discipline. Many times these days he can be seen shaking his head and muttering at the antics of some of the more eccentric members of his Order.
History In Progress. |