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The Hangman template is to be used for each game. The following parameters are used in this template to display the game in progress:
word:The word (pattern) to be guessed. Blanks are represented by dots ( _ ) and guessed letters are filled in by the executioner in capitals
guess:The current guess. This is one letter added to the template by the guesser (put the letter after "guess=" and before "|"). It is removed and added to the word (or misses) by the executioner.
misses:The list of missed letters already guessed. These should be listed in alphabetical order in lower-case.
misscount:The executioner keeps track of the miss count. This starts at 0 and is incremented by 1 when the guesser makes an incorrect guess. A miss count of 6 means the guesser has lost the game.
Example game in progress
The following example shows that the guesser has guessed T, S, Z, Q, R and E, and it is the executioner turn to say where the e goes.
(A thing)
S _ r _ _
Wiki Markup:
hint=A thing|
word= S _ r _ _|
misses= t,z,q