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The Dawn Breakers are an elite subgroup formed from the White Order of The Light with the express purpose of hunting down and destroying powerful undead. All members are considered full-time undead hunters with dual membership in the White Order, but have a separate reporting structure that leads directly into the Archmage. Induction into this elite company is considered a great honor and a prestigious accomplishment.

The history of the Dawn Breakers predates the founding of the modern White Order of The Light by several years to the year 2139 A.O.D. At that time, which was several years after the god Andrinor played a great prank on his worshippers by sending a Vortex of Chaos to the planet to wreak havoc, a fearsome lich named Lobera was reigning terror on the southern parts of Negaria near M’Chek and T’Nanshi. With full intent of taking over the entire continent and bending it to his twisted undead will, Lobera massed armies of undead, many of whom wielded magical spells of their own, and attacked the cities of Mikona and Le’Or T’Nanshi. Thousands of innocent civilians died only to become more undead fodder for the self-styled lich king. The combined armies of M’Chek and T’Nanshi, which were themselves at war during those years had temporarily ceased hostilities but made little headway against Lobera’s minions.

The Trust, which was newly forming and comprised of only the Ivory, Ashen, and Ebony orders at the time, worked feverishly from their towers to find heroes capable of standing up to the lich. Meanwhile, the battlefields forged the heroes the leaders sought. One hero in particular stood out among the gore-drenched forests just outside the city of Elysia, a dwarf by the name of Odella Stonehead. As a member and newly-minted Great Mage of Arms of the Ivory Order and, Odella cobbled together a band of her closest mage companions and led counter-assault after counter-assault against the undead hoards. Using her personal skills in White Necromancy and her expert knowledge of manipulation of positive energy and sunlight spells, Odella was a beacon among the armies, knocking aside mountains of zombies and other enemies.

The initial band of heroes following Odella were all members of the new Ivory Order, and as the events surrounding Lobera came to a close and the lich was destroyed, the Ivory Order split off the modern-day White Order of The Light, taking Odella and her band with it in 2145 A.O.D.

As a personal honor, the second Archmage of White Order of The Light, Aria Ashby, designated Odella and her special force of white necromancy and positive energy-wielding mages as the Dawn Breakers. She charged them with driving out all the powerful undead from the world, and exempted them from the conventional structures of leadership for the order, so they would report only to the Archmage from that point forward.

Since that time, the order has maintained its reputation as an elite force within the White Order. Members are required to be fully trained White Necromancers or mages capable of casting positive energy-based spells. All exceptions to this are usually mages with great ability and power to cast sunlight conjurations. Using these skills, the Dawn Breakers never relent in their pursuit of powerful undead, i.e. liches, vampires, and worse.