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--Elven Arcane Archer, Magus, Carpenter and Husband--

Guild memberships:

-Selash's postal-adress at Zvidureth's Leaping Stag Inn-


The childhood and origin of Selash remain a mystery to many. Apart from some brief and half revelations to very close friends, he tends to avoid the topic and prefers to speak proudly about the things he accomplished after his arrival in Elysia instead. His actions in the West after his arrival must have started about a bit less than thirty elven, or a bit less than two gnomish years ago. It's commonly known that his first steps in Elysia were made when he was no more than a young, shy, almost cowardly boy, about to reach his adolescent years.

Selash grew up in a far-away hidden, small clan of elves in North-Eastern T'Nanshi, influenced by the sharp regional, almost hissed-sounding "S" that can still be heard in his accent to those listening closely. He's almost unable to speak the "Z", for it fades into the aforementioned sharply hissed "S" as he speaks it. Even though he simply forgot or refuses to speak many of the words that his heritage taught him, his tongue reveals his origins still.

The younger years of his life he lived at the time the battles concluding the war between T'Nanshi and M'Check were fought, but far away as his hidden peasant-clan was from the action, he hardly noticed what was going on in the lands he lived in. It wasn't untill shortly after that war that his father perished as an army recruit, which made him decide to leave his clan to avoid them till present time even. The excact reason why he turned his back on them he keeps a well-hidden secret to most as well.. even to many of those he cares so much for.


Selash is a skinny, slender, but very tall elf. His height is quite impressive as it stands out, though his tall, wiry features may appear somewhat clumsy to some. Those who know him well know how agile he can be in battle though, in spite of his tall pillar-like looks.

Furthermore, Selash can usually be found with an ever-lasting smile on his face: looking into the world hoping to find those he can love and care for, he never ceases wearing his kind smile without a good reason in his eyes to take it off his face. Some may call it naive, some may consider it silly, but Selash always looks out for his dear friends to care, protect and love as much as he can, protective and emotional as he can be. He loves cynicism and silly jokes but will try to stay polite as much as he needs to be in situations asking for it, for he realizes it's how others treated him when he was stil young and ignorant.. never to offend someone unless he or she deserved it in his eyes.

Stubborn he is, but his heart is still wide-open to those he trusts, willing to offer him friendship. Childhood in one of the most distant and conservative clans of T'Nanshi raised him to be shy and sensitive regarding all relatively new matters he has to cope with as well.

Present Time:

Having worked hard, but at the same time having taken his time to relax during the years, Selash now finds himself a respectable member of the Avlis Carpentry Enterprise, where he met some of his friends and made most of his carpentry products.

Since he coincidently got involved in the battle defeating the goblin king Ip in Visimontium, Selash has bonded his heart and services to the Visimontium Sentinels, where he serves the safety and well-being of Andrinor's Holy City as a Lieutenant of the Sentinel-Forces. This army is where the best opportunity is offered to him to show his qualities as an archer as well, using the energy of the Vortex to improve his aim, making him one of the most skilled archers of the Force.

Never having fully forgotten his roots and nature, he also bears Andrinor's Mark for the Green Order of the Forest with pride since approximately twelve elven years now. Strengthened by his faith in the Father Dru'El, he nowadays studies hard to be a magus in his service, trying to let his qualities benefit what he considers good and dear to him.

Footloose from his origins, he nowadays mostly operates as a commuter from many bases, spending his days and nights in Elysia, Visimontium and the T'Nanshi woods near Zvidureth. The only place he carefully avoids in these regions is the thick forest of the North-East of the Spiritland where some of the small elven-clans live: there where his life once began, and where some of his kin may still live. At present, he can be seen more often on the plane of Tairis'nadur though, where his own hands, helped out by his friend's efforts, are building a house for him and Aelwyn, the love of his life he recently married.

Selash will most probably live life like a breeze for many years to come though.. as he keeps blowing down the roads all over Southern Negaria and Tairis'nadur. His travelling skills, which he developped over the years are to be tested for many future years: he may settle down, but is not likely to give up the strong foundation he layed out in Elysia, Visimontium and the lands of his origin. A young man as he still is, his energy to keep going will remain, though he has just made his first confirmation to settle: the sincere love for his newly-wed lady Aelwyn will certainly be the most important of all things that can infuence his choices to make in life from now on.

Friends, hoovairen and those he holds as close as family:

Aelwyn nic'Arianrhod - Daughter of the Silver Moon, blessed with the brightest red hair of all. Selash met his petite, red elven lady, originating from Tairis'nadur for the first time in Ferrell in a brief encounter. A couple of elven years after this meeting, their gods granted them the chance to meet again. Their hearts found each other in Suneal under the silver moon, surrounded by Dru'El's most beautiful green creations. The happiest times, as well as the darkest months in their lifes, these two had to go through to succesfully prove the strong bond of their hearts in the end. Nightmares were defeated, sweet dreams were dreamt again. Blessed by both their gods, Selash recently married the true love of his life in Tairis'nadur on a sweet summer evening, while Southern Negaria was covered in the withering autumn-leaves that fell in the year 2192.

Miriel Xilo - She's the one he refers to as his guardian angel. After a bad start of two totally opposite characters colliding at the beginning of his Sentinel-career, he slowly realized the protection, care and friendship he found in Miriel as the years passed by and cares deeply for her as his hoovaire now.