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Gorethar | O'Ma | Dru'El | Toran | Mikon | Forian | Valok | Aarilax | Maleki

Clangeddin Silverbeard | Titania | Corellon Larethian | Tobin | Ptah | Gruumsh | Blibdoolpoolp

Alignment: LE

Worshippers' Alignment: Any Lawful

Domain: Orcs, Politics, Intrigue

Colors: Gold

Holy Warrior: Dominator

Clerical Domains: Evil, Destruction, Knowledge, Protection, Trickery

More information on Valok

Enlightenment is within. If doing something for someone else will not help YOU, then you have no business doing it. Only self-discipline and devotion can help YOU. Focusing on things outside of yourself is a waste of time, because you are not responsible for anyone else but you.

It is ok to get what you want, but don't make people hate you in the process and having friends can be very helpful for getting what you want later. Now, if someone screws you over, by all means, 'take care of them' but not in public! Ideally, we can all get along with everyone else if only they just wouldn't get in our way. We don't want to destroy them. We just want to win as much as we can.

The one who has disciplined their mind and calmed their inner senses will know Valok's Glory and Will. Glory is a better term to describe a "good" feeling that is directed inward. Valok hails glory. We should all strive for glory for it is Valok's way of condoning our actions and telling us that we are making improvements within ourselves.

If there are people who do not approve of your self-improvement quest, then you should have understanding towards them. However do not let them walk all over you? Get around them. Intrigue was the tool Valok gave us to help ourselves when others will not allow it. If you cannot go through something, go around it. Compose yourself and be disciplined.

The Order of Valok is a Holy Order dedicated to this major god.