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Noble Houses of Julaspium - Cattone

by Xeo

Julaspium: Cattone
Residence: Cattone Estate, Clairvont
Religious Influences: Toran; Hurine
Leader: Duke Charles Cattone V
PC Members: Jurak Cattone; Mastan Cattone; Nico Cattone

The House Cattone is deep in history and flows back for over 200 years within Julaspium. They are a very elitist family. Julaspium was beaten badly in the 2nd Tri-fief war and near all of the nobles of Clairvont where eradicated. The House Cattonetook the invite of buying farm land and becoming nobles as merchants 200 years ago, to repopulate and bring back economic wealth within Clairvont and Julaspium. The Cattone family was hit hard by disease and very few remain but enough to retain their major role within Clairvont with a possible chance of developing a strong bloodline to become one of the greatest families in Julaspium.

The House has a history of Knighthood and always push their young men of the House to become Knights and Lords. But due to the lack of numbers they do concentrate is developing any son into a well trained and educated lord and knight. Code, conduct, honour and discipline are key teachings that House rule by.

The House Cattone is generally Toranite with some Hurine to due to their interests within commerce.


The goal of the House Cattone within Julaspium is to keep traditions alive but yet develop new technologies in construction and war. They strongly believe in reuniting the Old Empire again and are imperialist. Developing a well trained Army for Julaspium is a current affair they are working on and to have someone within the head of the Military for Julaspium.


Very few are left of the most pure and direct bloodline, in order of date of birth: Lord Charles Cattone V (Senior), Lady Jane Cattone (Wife of Charles Cattone V), Filbert Cattone (Son), Jon Cattone (Son Knight), Delena Cattone (Daughter), Mastan Cattone (Son and soon to be Knight Lt), and Jurak Cattone. (Knight)

There are numerous other minor relatives, most merchants or scholars living within Clairvont, who are related to the House in some way. They are usually welcomed into the Estate of the Duke when they show some special quality.

All the sons and daughters are of a young age as the father and mother managed to produce off spring to give the Cattone family bloodline a chance. They are old now and over see the development of their offspring within the last few years of their life. They do accept marriage offers to extend the House, and also are tolerent of other races but weary of Dwarves, as all Julaspii, with their secretive living style within mountains.