PCs:Malulani jael MacMurray

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Malulani jael MacMurray (PM)

Race: She thinks she's human
Gender: Female
Origin: On the merchant ship Fortune, somewhere near the Seven Cities.
Year of Birth: {{{YearOfBirth}}}
Alignment: {{{Alignment}}}
Residence: Spiritland and Ferrell
Deity: O'Ma


Guild Affiliations:


M.J. is a female who is a bit short for a human. The shape of her green eyes and her ears might suggests some elvish blood, perhaps. Although, she'll tell you her father hated elves. You'll rarely see her in a dress, and she prefers dressing in browns.


M.J. is the seventh and youngest (as far as she knows) child of Captain Arlen MacMurray owner of the merchant ship Fortune. She does not have any information on her mother, as all such inquires were rebuffed as long as she can remember. She has six older brothers: Abboid, Cormick, Cowan, Cian, Sheridan and Grady. All of who were employed on her father's vessel. M.J.'s assignment on the Fortune was as cooks-mate and, as the cook was also the ship's healer, she also learned a few healing arts.

Early Life

Arrival in Elysia

M.J. hated the regimented discipline required to keep out of trouble on the merchant vessel. Every crewman on the vessel seemed to make it their personal duty to chastise her. M.J. dreamed about what it would be like to walk in cool forests and warm meadows. She longed for the freedom to make her own choices. So, she resolved to leave as soon as she "came of age". Luck was with her on the night she turned 21, for the Fortune was docked. She took her few possessions and managed to slip away. She felt somehow that even though she was old enough to determine her own destiny, it would be difficult to leave her overbearing father. She approached the Captain of a ship sailing up the Eridanian River and bought passage to Elysia.

A New Faith

Discovering the life of an adventurer in Elysia, lead M.J. to her first brush with death. This experience lead her to a new faith in O'Ma. Feeling chosen by her new god, she also became connected to her spirit animal, the wolf.

Alchemist in Training

M.J. also sought out an apprenticeship in the Guild of Advancement of Knowledge and Nature on the advise of her closest friend, Benedict Brightfeather. Shortly after joining she took up residence in Ferrell to be closer to the Guild and several friends she had made. After many long hours she has made the rank of Journeyman.

First Adventures


M.J. also became a full fledged member of the FEAT. Her sponsor was Ognor Kro-Tash. The members of FEAT became her mentors and extended family. They helped shaped M.J. as she honed her skills as a warrior and a woodsman. She learned to face down the army of Se'Fassu, the the Orcs of Meygle Pass, the TotD and the Salt Clan. She held the post of Keeper of the Dice for a short while as well, leading FEAT against the demons in Geritri Forest.

Solar Brigade

About this time she also heeded a call from Micah Elizabeth Ormane for help with the [[Guild:Solar Brigade|Solar Brigade]. Joining the Solar Brigade lead M.J. up against the lich Hallimancus. Infighting among the guild members caused a brief breakup with the guild. Later the guild was revived briefly and tracked another lich named Clarance which may or may not have had a connection to the spreading demon infestation or Se'Fassu. This investigation seemed at a close after the demons were banished and no further information was forthcoming. Later, Nayala Gelbert invited M.J. along as the mage orders finally tracked down and put an end to Hallimancus on the moon.

Le'Nofaythen'T'Nanshi 6th Division

After seeing the end of Hallimancus, M.J. felt a growing unrest as she heard more tales of the Drotid invasion of M'Chek, Elysia and T'Nanshi. Worried that Rhissaerk Jalesh would not be able to keep his word that the Drotid warbands would stay out of Ferrell, and worried over the Council of Elders seeming dismissal of FEAT during recent events, M.J. became a recruit to Le'Nofaythen'T'Nanshi 6th Division in hopes of opposing the Drotid's intentions and protecting Ferrel.

Animal Companion Research

((moved here from your CTS wiki page)) --Analgesia 15:19, 24 September 2009 (CDT)


This section is for other players to write in what their characters think of MJ. Please only write in if your character has met and interacted with her. I will reformat, edit, correct spelling, etc., but not change content.