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Deglos | Elysia | Ferrell | Ithilla | Kuras | Kurathene | Le'Or T'Nanshi | M'Chek | Mikona | T'Nanshi | Underdark | Visimontium

The server is called The Wilderness, but this should be seen as more OOC than an IC description, as it comprises the countryside of M'Chek, T'Nanshi, and the Blandenberg Protectorate.

Major Meeting Points in the Wilderness

Villages and Landmarks in T'Nanshi

Wilds of T\'Nanshi
Drotid Pass
Fairy Gardens
The Forest of Midnight
  • (shown on map here, but located on Elysia Server)
Kharak Zvidurat (Dwarf Trade)
Lifts to the Canopies
Nan Sh'Tal
Nireth (Port Nireth)
Orcscourge Chasm
Quithranos (Fishaven)
Suneal Thorp

Villages, Keeps, and Landmarks of M'Chek

Wilds of M'Check
Derrington Keep
Equaloria Keep and Dunster Commons
Finmaegan Keep
The Hills of Tumult
  • (shown on map here, but located on Mikona Server)
The Lost River Caverns
Nelthrope Keep
The Order of the Way
The Warrens

The Blandenberg Protectorate

The Village of Blandenberg
The Remains of Fort Taunton


Wilderness Team:

Coordinator: PlasmaJohn

Senior: Lilith

DMs: Olaf, Manuel, RCon, Semley, Spool32

Needed Files

Server: The Wilderness: avlis.blackdagger.net:5122