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(Created page with "== '''General Information''' == '''Their Capabilities While Mortal''' Due to their lineage, Seven was able to change their form which usually caused a shift in their thinking and perspective though to what degree is unknown. They mentioned to some of their “feline self”, “draconic self”, and “true dragon self”. They were able to cast magic by speaking in Draconic, rather than the typical process of using Magya. Their magic prowess was enhanced while...")
m (Fixing a typo to make a sentence more clear.)
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The [[Gnome|gnomish]] dragon researching author with a tiny treant assistant (named Stewart), known as Dr. Naughtendergenstein, held a number of informational seminars and released a series of books about the different types of dragons upon Avlis.
The [[Gnome|gnomish]] dragon researching author with a tiny treant assistant (named Stewart), known as Dr. Naughtendergenstein, held a number of informational seminars and released a series of books about the different types of dragons upon Avlis.

This was later discovered by an avatar/alias of the god of Chaos known as Forian. Her ability to more freely dwell as an avatar on Avlis proper was due to the wounding of Mikon caused by the Red Star.
This was later discovered to be an avatar/alias of the god of Chaos known as Forian. Her ability to more freely dwell as an avatar on Avlis proper was due to the wounding of Mikon caused by the Red Star.

This book series aided in better knowledge of dragons in general while a plague sought to destroy them. Upon going to a seminar for the book series, Seven recognized the doctor for who they were and spoke initially in mostly Draconic to her mother.
This book series aided in better knowledge of dragons in general while a plague sought to destroy them. Upon going to a seminar for the book series, Seven recognized the doctor for who they were and spoke initially in mostly Draconic to her mother.

Latest revision as of 04:22, 1 September 2024

General Information

Their Capabilities While Mortal

Due to their lineage, Seven was able to change their form which usually caused a shift in their thinking and perspective though to what degree is unknown. They mentioned to some of their “feline self”, “draconic self”, and “true dragon self”.

They were able to cast magic by speaking in Draconic, rather than the typical process of using Magya. Their magic prowess was enhanced while mortal through learning from various adventurers.

They were trained in a variety of physical combat styles through the tutelage of many adventurers.

Because of their dragon heritage, they were not able to manifest psionic abilities but learned of it from various adventurers.


Their Early Imprisonment

While an egg, yet to be hatched as a child of Forian’s dragon form, the gods were aware of who Seven’s parents were. This caused the god Mikon to fear the ramifications of this eventual hatchling living upon the world of Avlis. At the end of the Great War, all dragons agreed to keep a peace and balance amongst themselves.

This balance, Mikon reasoned, would be shattered should Seven be allowed entrance to the world fully. Mikon then struck a deal with Sharistracterus. Sharistracterus would gain a prisoner to forever guard the demon lord’s vast hoard of treasures and knowledge. Mikon would gain the peace of mind that the dragon balance problem had been solved.

They were kept prisoner and protected the hoard’s valuables. While there, they read what books were there and studied what they could. They learned of the world of Negaria but a very old and outdated version. They were able to change their shape there between all forms of dragons. Their true form also, was accessible within the hoard in all its giant height.

Yhara, The Not Tiefling

In order to keep Seven from escaping to Avlis proper, and kept within the hoard, a woman named Yhara was assigned as their guard. She was previously a Tyeduan human shaman who made a deal with Sharistracterus in a bid to protect her clan. She was doublecrossed and forced into his servitude.

Experiments were done related to Scale Rot on her that forced her form to gain the appearance of horns and a body that resembled a mish-mash of human and tiefling.

It has been heard that Seven and Yhara spent much time talking to one another, given that one’s fate was forever prisoner and the other forever a guard.

Their Escape From Imprisonment

The timing is not clear due to shifting of time when the Red Star was destroyed, but the bindings that held Seven within the demon lord’s hoard were overrun by magic (it is unknown if this was Arcane, Divine, both, or something else) and destroyed.

This gave Seven the chance to escape and Yhara a choice. Either she could stop the massive dragon’s escape or let them go and become an ally. Given that both had their lives ruined by Sharistracterus, neither had any allegiance toward him. Yhara told Seven a route for escape, provided they would change their form to a smaller size. Yhara suggested they head north and find the people known as the Mau’ktarl that would aid them in keeping hidden from Sharistracterus.

Seven made their bid to escape and was successful, Yhara took a different route to avoid a chance of both of them being captured.

Life Among The Mau’Ktarl As Her Feline Self

Similar to the process a changeling uses to take on a form similar to another entity, Seven happened upon a Mau’ktarl female of the clan of Aisha. They took on a similar form of a Mau’ktarl.

Fully and completely, they became a Mau’ktarl and were no longer truly fully a dragon. She discovered this was due to innate restrictions caused by Mikon’s will. Though no longer a prisoner of Sharistracterus, she could no longer be anything but a Mau’ktarl. She approached the clan of Aisha, the family of Mau’ktarl, and explained all she could.

To her surprise, they took her in, and guided her in the life of becoming fully and completely a Mau’ktarl. She learned of the lore keeping of her new people and to hunt with her family within the mountaintop snows.

When she came of age to seek and challenge a mate, she departed from her adoptive parents and siblings to do so. She staked a territory near Tyedu and lived a relative life of peace for a time.

Capture By Teldrym, The Nocturnal And Yrmeiss, The Fierce

While living within her new found territory with the intent of finding a mate, a fierce dispute of territory between a coal dragon named Teldrym, The Nocturnal and a slate dragoness named Yrmeiss, The Fierce erupted.

Seven was alerted to this by her clan elder Aisha.

Due to Mikon’s assumption and damnation of her existence as a threat to the delicate balance of dragons, Seven intentionally journeyed to the dragon territory closest to her to discuss negotiation.

She was foolhardy in her attempt, as her Mau’ktarl self while skilled in roguish attributes and learned skills from her clan and family, were no match for a fully grown slate dragoness and her minions. She was quickly captured by Yrmeiss.

A battle between Teldrym and Yrmeiss’ forces tore through and Teldrym became Seven’s new captor once the battle was finished and Yrmeiss retreated.

Saved In The Snow By Adventurers

The Olivine dragoness, Lady Eranth, and her elven ally Rydel Willowweave had heard of the territory dispute in the north. She requested aid by adventurers to help in the conflict knowing they had previous experience with dragons along with her.

The group was led by Rydel north where both dragons’ forces had already picked Yrmeiss’ former lair clean. There, the adventurers found Seven the Mau’ktarl chained up and abandoned as not worth killing but not worth taking by either dragon.

She was taken to the south by the adventurers and eventually given a temporary home at the Hatchling Den of Zvidureth.

Initial Life In The South

While living with Rhena the Olivine Dragon at the Hatchling Den of Zvidureth, Seven would take walks to the Leaping Stag to converse with adventurers there to get to know those who saved her.

She wound up dropping in on some crafting classes with folks from the guild ACE and going to a few meetings of the Luminous Order to get to know psionic folk.

Seven went on journeys with adventurers to better gain skill and ability in combat and the like, to avoid future capture like up north near Tyedu. She was gifted a sword, shield, and a shawl magically enhanced by ice crystals to keep her cool in the south.

She went with adventurers, sometimes, when they were hired by Rhett Calbrook to acquire components. She also went to draconic informational seminars held by Dr. Naughtendergstein for the author’s book series.

Transformation Into His Draconic Self

Following procurement of ritual components for Rhett Calbrook, adventurers were hired to interrupt a ritual being performed by Xara'mir'voss'sdet, The Magnificent. This ritual was intended to summon the Platinum Dragon. It was eventually discovered that Rhett and Xara'mir'voss'sdet were allies but had a falling out.

The party journeyed to the ritual site and found a number of dragons experimented on for Xara'mir'voss'sdet’s own attempts at Scale Rot. They also attempted to interrupt said ritual to summon the Platinum Dragon.

As the ritual completed, its power could not locate the Platinum Dragon, and thus it latched on to the closest approximation of that entity: Seven. Due to the strength of the ritual combined with the limitation of form coming from Mikon’s power, her Mau’ktarl self was altered to that of his draconic self.

Seven, passed out from the transformation, was taken to the Blandenburg Hospital to recover. He was visited by various adventurers and by Dr. Naughtendergstein.

Learning To Speak Again

Upon waking from his transformation, initially Seven discovered he could only speak in Draconic and not Common. Seven was able to regain speaking in Common as well as Nanshilae through the aid and support of friends. Also, via a makeshift magic ritual suggested by Raalok The Gold, initiated by adventurers. Seven was able to say one of his favorite phrases in Nanshiale: “oo’good’toova” which means “love well”.

His first words upon regaining non-Draconic speech was “pelail friends.”

A loophole, while only able to speak Draconic, was found by Thienna Skybreaker wherein Seven could communicate via a beeswax tablet to “speak”.

Gaining Magical Ability As His Draconic Self

After gaining speech, Seven journeyed with adventurers across Negaria investigating and attempting diplomacy between dragons at war with one another. He discovered through self study and working with those of the AMM that he could cast magic via use of Draconic.

Through time and focus, Seven was also able to regain the ability to change to her feline self as well as keep his draconic self. Any other form, however, was not an option to take.

Learning The Marble Dragon Form

Through the eventual meeting of Nargulthonnosor and Uthi’rvil’dryinya of the Order of the Dragon, a form of meditative martial arts technique was learned by Seven known colloquially as “The Marble Dragon Form” . This form was taught to, and well mastered, by the monk Nostalgia Bellweather. Seven wound up practicing the form with her often and, in times of great distress and when the situation necessitated, used it in earnest.

This form was found to slow down the symptoms of Scale Rot for dragons who had the affliction.

Romance With Yhara

Following Seven’s transformation to his draconic self, and in realizing who she was working for, Yhara wound up allying herself with Seven and his adventuring friends and allies.

Through interactions at events such at the day of Dru’el as well as adventuring together, and their longtime conversation and company while Seven was imprisoned - a romance between the two bloomed.

They are still mated to this day. Though it's unknown is a wedding date has been set.

Scale Rot Affliction Of Yhara And Brod’drem The Conversationalist

During an expedition to discover a new lair for Brod’drem the Conversationalist Seven and his compatriots found an encampment of scalykind loyal to Rhett Calbrook. The group was able to destroy the minions and their lair, but both Yhara and the brass dragon were attacked with weapons tainted by Scale Rot.

Learning From Folk To Gain Balance

Once it was discovered that Seven could take Scale Rot into themselves, an ursinal by the name of Bar'vam, Keeper of Tomes was summoned by the mage Chyjri.

This ursinal, through reviewing their tomes and being asked questions, made it clear that Scale Rot taken on by non-dragons would cause them to die. Scale Rot taken on by various dragons would cause them to slowly succumb to the disease. Scale Rot taken on by Seven would take a longer time due to their lineage, but eventually they too would succumb and die. It would just take longer.

The ursinal instructed Seven to find balance in their learning and themselves in order to fully be able to take on the Scale Rot. This was done by learning from various adventurers of various skill sets (physical, mental, magical) and faiths.

Scale Rot And Essence Transfer Ritual

Following the attack and infection of Brod’drem the Conversationalist and Yhara, a ritual was devised based on research done by the AMM/Magisterium and the Dragon Task Force (including usage of tomes written in a mixture of Draconic and Abyssal found by adventurers.)

The ritual combined usage of a Chaotically Imbued Amulet, an artifact sold by "Trango, The Legit" known as the Demon Begoner, and a White Necromancy spell created by the mage kobold Chyjri.

This ritual utilized the combined magic of druids, bards, mages, and clerics along with the above to transfer the Scale Rot from Yhara and Brod’drem the Conversationlist to Seven.

As the transfer occurred, the Scale Rot manifested defenses in the form of demonic-draconic creatures that were dispatched by those present at the ritual. This transference caused Yhara to gain some of Seven’s draconic essence, but also caused the Scale Rot to weaken and hurt Seven.

Yhara, The First Avlissian Dragon Disciple

Following the ritual that transferred some of Seven’s essence to Yhara, Yhara wound up gaining abilities and characteristics that were draconic. This included:

  • Dragon scales on her skin.
  • A red dragon tail.
  • Red dragon wings.
  • The ability to breathe fire.

This granted her gained strength and ability. The transference of dragon essence has been found to have been taught to Seven by Forian which was taught to Forian by His Most Splendid Majesty (the Platinum Dragon.) She became the first Dragon Disciple of Avlis.

Attack On Xara'mir'voss'sdet

With information gained from the draconic ally Udr'Eri'Rth the Bauxite, adventurers were able to discover the exact location of the lair of Xara’mis’voss and attack. There, a ritual was interrupted where he was attempting to enhance his abilities through Scale Rot.

Here, research and notes in a demonic-draconic language was discovered. This resembled documents found at the ritual just prior to Seven's transformation into his draconic self.

Fixing The Chaotically Imbued Amulet

Once Seven discovered they were able to take Scale Rot upon themselves to pull it from other dragons, Seven did this for a number of dragons. This ended up cracking the Chaotically Imbued Amulet where its enhanced energy leaked out of the artifact.

The artifact was fixed through a ritual during the Solstice through another combination of magics, resulting in the dispatch of demon-dragon entities.

The amulet combined with Seven’s magic and essence, once the amulet was fixed, expanded the range of Seven’s influence against Scale Rot. The ability to take on more Scale Rot would have become dangerous for them. Their presence allowed for the symptoms and entirety of Scale Rot to be paused and halted due to their magic and the amulet.

Attack On Shy’lon’dris

A small, skilled team of adventuring folk known by the Magisterium of the AMM were sent to Brekon to gain intelligence and track the lair of Shy’lon’dris, The Pact Breaker. The information was sent back to the Magisterium and analyzed. From this, Seven and adventurers were able to create a plan to assault Shy’lon’dris lair.

Following the bloody onslaught of a battle, it was found that Shy’lon’dris had been experimenting with Pure Scale Rot with which to infect all scalykind to enslave them, not just dragons or the Platinum Dragon.

Captives were rescued, the lair was completely destroyed, and with it the Pure Scale Rot sample was ruined and crushed.

The Draconic Peace Summit And Feast

Dragons all across Negaria were invited to a feast by way of Seven, Yhara, and adventurers at the request of Ryl'zren'kym The Illustrious, a silver dragon. Various security measures for this feast were put into place to disallow teleportation, magical attacks, etc. as well as physical attacks thwarted by an army of scalykind.

While the group traveled, Seven taught the technique of energy transfer to a variety of dragons in order to spread the knowledge. This meant in time Yhara would not remain the only Dragon Disciple upon Avlis.

The feast occurred, a truce between dragons was agreed to pending curing of the Scale Rot. At the end of the feast, Seven was summoned away forcibly by a spell.

Arcane and dragon magic was used to locate where Seven was pulled to and a rescue mission began.

Attack On The Lair Of Riv’Ra’nuss The Monstrosity

The rescue mission of Seven began somewhere in the vastness of The Wastelands.

The dragon allies of Seven assaulted those afflicted by Scale Rot in a war in the skies. The adventuring party, the scalykind allies of the dragons, and Yhara moved to assault Riv’Ra’nuss. They encountered a resurrected Xara'mir'voss'sdet and a demonic vampiric minion, these foes were dispatched.

Within a ritual chamber of Riv’Ra’nuss, the dragon had begun a ritual to combine the plane of shadow and the plane of nightmares to force the Platinum Dragon to be summoned by way of using Seven’s essence.

The party attacked and killed Riv’Ra’nuss. The dragon had stolen away some of his essence below the ritual chamber which returned him to life. He launched himself, Yhara, and Seven into the nightmare-shadow realm forcibly created.

The Nightmare-Shadow Realm Of Riv’Ra’nuss

Riv’Ra’nuss became two entities within this nightmare-shadow realm, a Dracolich Of Nightmare, and a Nightmare Of The Shadow That Was, representing its demonic and draconic halves.

Through a long fought battle, the creatures were destroyed and a massive ritual gem was destroyed. This transported the party to a different nightmare manifestation.

The Nightmare-Shadow Manifest Of Seven

The realm encountered by those seeking Seven was a nightmare manifestation of Seven. It was the prison and demonic hoard they were forced to guard for the majority of their long life. The party approached what appeared to be a massive combination of dragons held in one entity. Their appearance resembled that of all manner of dragons haphazardly combined.

Within this realm, it was discovered that Seven’s truest nightmare was that of the entirety of their escape, their learning, their growth, their sacrifices, all of it had been simply a dream.

Encouragement, reminding, and weaving a tale of what had happened was spoken to Seven.That all that had happened had been true. In time, the immense dragon came to believe the group that had come to save them.

This caused the nightmare-shadow realm to dissipate and become, by all accounts, simply “somewhere else”. A realm not of nightmare, not of shadow, simply…it was.

True Form And Ascension

With the nightmare destroyed and the realm they were present in now something wholly different and outside fully of Avlis, Seven was finally able to assume their true immense, towering form.

Shortly after regaining who they were, three entities entered this new realm by force. They were the avatars of Forian, Mikon, and Yeraiah.

Forian, by all accounts, was glad to see their child safe and able to take on their true form. This resulted quickly in a threat by Forian to Mikon via her sword that looked to be made of the stars.

A conversation between the three deities, Seven, and the adventurers gave way in time to a final realization by Mikon that Seven’s imprisonment had not aided in keeping draconic balance.

The case was made and quite apparent that Seven had done all in their power to maintain and fix the balance that had been ruined and destroyed by Scale Rot.

Mikon’s realization gave way to his relinquishing his hold on draconic balance and bestowing upon Seven the mantle of Draconic Balance and Dragons. Seven was given the chance to get their mortal affairs in order prior to full ascension. All dragons willing to keep the balance would be healed of Scale Rot, which due to the nature of the plague meant all.

Following a return to Visimontium, the new found deity spoke with adventurers on future plans for the faith. Then, they took a flight among the stars with Yhara. A moment of peace following the Scale Rot and defeat of Riv’Ra’nuss.

Cure Of Scale Rot And Removal Of Petrification

With Forian as their deific guide, Seven was able to unpetrify all dragons to then heal them fully of their Scale Rot by taking it within themselves. Due to their now deific power, the Scale Rot was able to be contained and did not harm them.

Ritual Events Related To The World Wyrm

Dragon Blindness Of Sovine, The Frost Claw

On a journey with adventurers to get the ice crystals for her shawl, Seven and a party of adventurers wound up meeting the blind marble dragoness Sovine, The Frost Claw in an ice cave.

It was later discovered that the affliction was caused by Sharistracterus when the dragoness was able to see demons even when well hidden. This was seen as problematic for his plans in dealing with dragons, so she was infected with a prototype sort of Scale Rot.

Cures and remedies were researched by adventurers. In the end a druidic ritual known as The Ritual Of Great Eagle's Sight, a combination of druidic and arcane magic amplified by bardic magic, which combined a great many adventurers’ efforts healed the dragoness’ extraordinary blindness.

Books from the library of Sovine, The Frost Claw helped in creation of temporary ailment relief for Scale Rot.

Dragon Territory Disputes

Due to the upending of the world by the Red Star, Draconic Slumber was interrupted. The shift of emotion caused by the Star culminated in continued territory disputes and destroyed agreements and treaties between dragons.

This caused dragons to forcibly, or through trickery, take one another’s lairs, fight outright and bloodily. Shortly after these disputes increased, Scale Rot laden weapons were used by various forces to inflict the disease upon enemies between rival dragons.

This allowed Scale Rot to proliferate much faster than simply through attacks and capture done just by Riv’Ra’nuss’ minions.

Notable Folk Seven Interacted With While Mortal

Noted Avlissian Dragons Encountered By Seven While Mortal

  • Amber: Riv’ra’nuss, The Monstrosity (male)
  • Amber: Xara'mir'voss'sdet, The Magnificent (male)
  • Amber: Nargulthonnosor (male)
  • Azurite: Nez'ul'dria, The Sapphire Storm (female)
  • Bauxite: Lord Arvon'dri (male)
  • Bauxite: Udr'Eri'Rth (male)
  • Brass: Brod'drem the Conversationalist (male)
  • Bronze: Odu'nan'migtur, The Inquisitor (male, human name simply Odu)
  • Coal: Teldrym the Nocturnal (male)
  • Gold: Irsy'zo'sanya The Gold (female)
  • Gold: Raalok (male)
  • Gold: Kitibahalistrix (female)
  • Granite: Shy'lon'dris, The Pact Breaker (female)
  • Gravel: Mir'Tekryut'Orr'Yssa The Vigilant (female)
  • Gravel: Uthi’rvil’dryinya (female)
  • Marble: Sovine the Frost Claw (female)
  • Olivine: Rhena, The Might Dragon Of Green Dru’el (female)
  • Olivine: Lady Eranth (female)
  • Pyrite: Kosjixen (male)
  • Ruby: Seether, Dragon Of Fear (female)
  • Sandstone: Zes'ter'rsst, The Immaculate Of Scale (female)
  • Silver: Ryl'zren'kym The Illustrious (male, elven name Myrin Glynfina)
  • Slate: Yrmeiss the Fierce (female)

Rhett Calbrook / Riv’Ra’nuss The Monstrosity

Riv’Ra’nuss was a servant of Sharistracterus who took on the male human guise of Rhett Calbrook. He established himself in the Seven Cities as a wealthy trader and briefly funded a band of cultists that sought to enslave dragons. These dragons were used for testing of Scale Rot.

Riv’Ra’nuss was the first recipient of Scale Rot which was kept from fully destroying him by direct connection with Sharistracterus.

As Rhett, Riv hired the following guilds to get him ritual components for his and Sharistracterus’ grand scheme to capture the Platinum Dragon:

Yhara, unknowing of Rhett’s connection to Sharistracterus, joined Rhett’s eventual company founded more in the south known as Drausham Thran.

She was the contact point for adventurers for getting these ritual elements for Rhett. Due to his building up of legitimate business ties in the Seven Cities, Rhett was vetted as legitimate by those contacted by adventurers on whether his hiring them was real or nefarious.

Dr. Naughtendergenstein, Expert Dragon Researcher

The gnomish dragon researching author with a tiny treant assistant (named Stewart), known as Dr. Naughtendergenstein, held a number of informational seminars and released a series of books about the different types of dragons upon Avlis.

This was later discovered to be an avatar/alias of the god of Chaos known as Forian. Her ability to more freely dwell as an avatar on Avlis proper was due to the wounding of Mikon caused by the Red Star.

This book series aided in better knowledge of dragons in general while a plague sought to destroy them. Upon going to a seminar for the book series, Seven recognized the doctor for who they were and spoke initially in mostly Draconic to her mother.

Artifact Information Related To The World Wyrm

Draconic Demonic Tomes

Through investigation of various lairs of those attempting to spread Scale Rot, adventuring folk discovered a variety of tomes crafted in a language that combined demonic and draconic languages.

These tomes were translated and analyzed through the combined efforts of: the mage Valeria, Dr. Naughtendergenstein, Sylvia the Werebat (an associate of Trango LLC, Corp., Inc. Ltd.), Archibald Skybreaker, Dameon Nepirtas, Alexis Dufresne Montjoie, and Sceluscio Potementia.

The revealed information related to a variety of rituals related to summoning and capturing the Platinum Dragon and/or the enhancement of Scale Rot to infect and enslave beyond dragons.

The Demon Begoner Of Trango Brand Contraptions That Might Not Kill You LLC, Inc., Corp.

While researching the affliction of Scale Rot and ways to neutralize or destroy it. The entity known as “Trango The Legit” wound up selling an artifact that was able to move the demon essence within an afflicted dragon around.

This artifact was modified by Archibald Skybreaker in order to not hurt or destroy the wielder. This artifact was used for the transference of Scale Rot from an infected entity into Seven.

The Chaotically Imbued Amulet

The follower of Fegall known as Archibald Skybreaker had in his possession an amulet with a malevolent spirit within it. Using his crafting ability, and requesting aid by Dr. Naughtendergenstein, the amulet was transformed to aid in halting and pausing Scale Rot.

Upon wearing this amulet, Seven’s ability to hold back and take within themself the Scale Rot of another dragon increased. This amulet allowed for use of a mixture of Seven’s magical ability, a piece of the chaotic magic of Forian, and Seven’s essence to coalesce with the entity within the amulet.