Avlis Dragon Disciple

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Part of the series on Character Classes
Base Classes: Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Druid | Fighter | Monk | Paladin | Psion | Ranger | Rogue | Sorcerer | Wizard
Prestige Classes: Arcane Archer | Assassin | Avlis Dragon Disciple | Dwarven Defender | Pale Master | Shadowdancer | Shifter | Weapon Master
Holy Warrior Classes: Annihilator | Avenger | Blackguard | Champion | Confounder | Dominator | Equalizer | Justicar | Paladin
Avlis Dragon Disciple
(Prestige Class)
Hit Die: d10
Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 levels

  • None

Skill Points: 2 + INT modifier
Class Skills:

Primary Saving Throw(s):


Dragon Disciples of Avlis have formed a close bond with a dragon, and thereby gained some of the dragon's essence. This manifests in the form of draconic abilities, powers, and changes in appearance. The nature of the connection between any given Disciple and their sponsor dragon can vary, with the Disciple being viewed as a dear friend, a powerful vassal, or trusted agent.


Alignment: Your character's alignment must match the alignment of the dragon who is giving your character some of their essence.

Skills: Lore 8, Spellcraft 5

How To Unlock The Class: Message The Event DM Team

In order to unlock the class you will need to contact the team to start the in-character roleplay to find/meet/form a connection with a dragon NPC that matches your PC's alignment.

To contact the team send a private message to the Event DM team via the forums at https://www.avlis.org/.

You can also contact the team via Discord via the team-assistance channel: https://discord.gg/sh6SB8WkCv.

From there, your PC will come in contact with a dragon of the type that matches (discussed with the Event team) and about 3 or so in-game sessions will occur (potentially with tasks requested by the dragon but this is not definitive) before the unlock happens. These in-game sessions will revolve around your PC getting to know the dragon and connecting with them in some way and the dragon granting their essence to your PC (unlocking the class.)

Will I Work With A Specific Event DM For My Unlock?

A specific event DM will reach out to work with you on the in-game sessions for your unlock (you can certainly ask for an Event DM in particular if you'd like, or not.) The event DM team will keep track of unlocks that are pending and their status and will look to match an event DM with your time zone/play time that allows for things to progress smoothly.

If, for whatever reason, a DM is unable to complete your unlock then it will be communicated and another event DM will take over the unlock.

What Can I Expect For The Relationship With My PC's Dragon Ally Post Unlock?

The relationship between your PC and the dragon they ally with and become a Disciple for is somewhat analogous to the Warlock class in D&D. The relationship depends on your PC, the dragon, and their personalities and connection.

The exact nature of the relationship with the dragon patron varies depending on the dragon.

You or your dragon may wish to continue your connection, your PC may wish to do tasks for your dragon, or in general keep in contact.

It's not required to keep in contact, but it's possible if you as a player want to and ICly it's desired. The NPC is a contact that could be relevant to your PC in the future, could be pulled in for future plots, etc.

The connection with your dragon continues so long as you think it's fun to continue it, just like any NPC connection a PC has.

Level Progression

Lvl  BAB  Saves Feats   AC
  Str     Dex     Con     Wis     Int     Cha  
 Fort   Ref   Will 
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Draconic Armor +1 - - - - - - - -
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Dragon Abilities +1 - - +2 - - - - -
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Dragon Breath +1 2d10 19 - - - - - -
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Dragon Abilities +1 2d10 19 +2 - - - - -
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Draconic Armor +2 2d10 19 - - - - - -
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 +2 2d10 19 - - - - - -
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Dragon Abilities +2 4d10 19 - - +2 - - -
8th +6 +6 +2 +6 Draconic Armor +3 4d10 19 - - - - - -
9th +6 +6 +3 +6 Dragon Abilities, Gain Wings Or Tail +3 4d10 19 - - - - +2 -
10th +7 +7 +3 +7 Darkvision, Draconic Armor, Dragon Abilities, Immunity To Element,  
Immunity To Paralysis, Immunity To Sleep
+4 6d10 19 +4 - - - - +2

Epic Progression

Lvl   Feats     AC
11th +4 6d10 19
12th +4 6d10 19
13th +4 7d10 19
14th Bonus feat   +4 7d10 20
15th +5 7d10 20
16th +5 8d10 20
17th +5 8d10 20
18th Bonus feat +5 8d10 21
19th +5 9d10 21
20th +6 9d10 21
21st +6 9d10 21
22nd Bonus feat +6 10d10 22
23rd +6 10d10 22
24th +6 10d10 22
25th +7 11d10 22
26th Bonus feat +7 11d10 23
27th +7 11d10 23
28th +7 12d10 23
29th +7 12d10 23
30th Bonus feat +8 12d10 24

Epic Bonus Feats: Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Epic Damage Reduction, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Toughness, Greater Spell Focus, Improved Combat Casting

Types of Dragon and their Disciples

  Avlissian Dragons     Avlis Dragon Disciples  
Species Alignment   Type   Prestige Class   Breath / Immunity     Wing Color  
Amber Lawful Evil Stone Dragon Disciple of Fire Fire Gold
Azurite Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral Hybrid Dragon Disciple of Lightning Electricity Blue
Bauxite Lawful Evil Hybrid Dragon Disciple of Fire Fire Red
Brass Chaotic Good Metal Dragon Disciple of Fire Fire Brass
Bronze Lawful Good Metal Dragon Disciple of Lightning Electricity Bronze
Coal Chaotic Evil Stone Dragon Disciple of Acid Acid Black
Copper Chaotic Good Metal Dragon Disciple of Acid Acid Copper
Gold Lawful Good Metal Dragon Disciple of Fire Fire Gold
Granite Neutral Evil Stone Dragon Disciple of Fire Fire Bronze
Gravel True Neutral Hybrid Dragon Disciple of Ice Cold Silver
Hematite Neutral Good or True Neutral Hybrid Dragon Disciple of Lightning Electricity Bronze
Limestone Neutral Evil Stone Dragon Disciple of Ice Cold White
Marble Lawful Neutral or True Neutral Hybrid Dragon Disciple of Ice Cold White
Olivine Neutral Good or True Neutral Hybrid Dragon Disciple of Acid Acid Green
Pyrite Chaotic Evil Stone Dragon Disciple of Fire Fire Brass
Sandstone Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral Hybrid Dragon Disciple of Lightning Electricity Brass
Silver Lawful Good Metal Dragon Disciple of Ice Cold Silver
Slate Chaotic Neutral Hybrid Dragon Disciple of Acid Acid Black

Avlis Changes From Default Red Dragon Disciple

Static Hit Die

  • Unlike standard Red Dragon Disciple the Avlis Dragon Disciple does not gain a hit die increase while levelling. Instead, the Avlis Dragon Disciple has a static hit die of d10.

Breath Weapon

  • The breath weapon gained at level 3 depends on the type of dragon that grants your character its essence.


  • The wings gained at level 9 depends on the type of dragon that grants your character its essence.
  • Available Wing Colors:
    • Brass (Brass Dragon)
    • Bronze (Bronze Dragon)
    • Copper (Copper Dragon)
    • Silver (Silver Dragon)
    • Gold (Gold Dragon)
    • White (Marble Dragon)
    • Black (Coal Dragon)
    • Green (Olivine Dragon)
    • Blue (Azurite Dragon)
    • Red (Bauxite Dragon)
  • Available Wing Types:
    • Dragon
    • Demon


  • If your character already has wings (e.g., they are an Avariel, have a roleplay reward, etc.) then they will instead be given tail corresponding to the dragon color.


  • The immunity type gained at level 10 depends on the type of dragon that grants your character its essence.


  • On level up and on login, if your character meets the requirements for wings but does not currently have them set then they will be set on your PC. This means that if you are in a form that lacks wings and go through either of these steps you will gain wings.
  • If you are in a form that has wings (e.g. your Changeling looks like an Avariel) they will instead gain a tail.
  • You can use the Changeling menu to set your form to what it was prior to gaining wings/a tail on level up/login if desired.
  • If you are in a form that does not have a wing slot (e.g. an animal that does not display wings) and wings would be gained, then the wings will not visually display.
  • From an in-character perspective, you can treat this as the changeling form being able to adjust for the wings but the dragon essence doesn't go away, so they'll end up returning at some point.

Are The Wings Recognizable?

  • They are similar to other unique visual features of a PC. For example, if someone has only ever met 1 human dragon disciple with red wings and that dragon disciple was talking about a specific Bauxite dragon, and then the PC goes and meets an elf with the same looking wings talking about that same Bauxite, the PC might end up making the connection that the human and elf could be the same person.


  • All Avlis Dragon Disciples gain immunity to paralysis and sleep at level 10.