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Orders of the Trust:

Part of the series on:
Historic Mage Orders
White Ivory Green
Blue Ashen Red
Gold Ebony Violet

Blue Order of the Sky

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Restrictions: As we are the mage order only those who study the arcane art can join (wizards, sorcerers)

Base: Have Order towers in Kuras and in Visimontium.

Description: One of the mage orders of Andrinor's Trust. Our main focus is studying the arcane art, with focus on discipline and order. Magic is a tool without morality so our goal is actual research and improvement in the arcane art, not applying it towards some abstract cause.

We are mostly based in Visimontium (including the archmage), but also have members on every other server including Kuras, with 16 active members / initiates at the time of this edit.

The guild's focus is mostly on roleplaying mages and the study of magic, and anyone who is interested in it is welcome to join. Some of our members have mentor/apprentice relationships.

How to contact us: By writing to the Archmage Aerill Ailpera (PMing Aerill on Avlis forums)

Note: Choosing a mage order to join is something not to be done with a rush. A good idea would be to first speak to members of each of the orders, and then decide which one fits you most.