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== History ==
=== Conquest of the frontier by Euphius Praetlyn and Nathan Blackhammer. ===
[[Image:Pylatea_crest.jpg|300px|left|Pylatea Coat of Arms]]
1916, shortly after the Second Tri-fief war begins, the mass colonization of the frontier begins. Nobles fleeing persecution and plebians seeking title press to the mountain borders. Promises of glory and riches entice young families to join the advance and march into the frontier lands, heading north and east.

In the Epillus/Liandra region, the army of Euphus Praetlyn and Nathan Blackhammer arrived at the camps along the border of Julaspium. They offered the Barbarian tribes citizenship for the 'protection' of the empire.  
'''Note:''' This information refers to the [[History_of_the_Kurathene_Empire#Third_Imperium_Age|Third Imperium Age]]. As of the 2200s, Pylatea is the core of the Pylatean League. See: [[History_of_the_Kurathene_Empire#Fourth_Imperium_Age|Fourth Imperium Age]]

The Barbarians refuse.
== History ==
See: [[Pylatea History]]
The mighty 'Kuraths Reach' legions and the Order of the Hammer Mobilize to claim the barbarian lands and bring 'enlightenment' to the savages.
The major battle of the conquest was the "Battle by River", taking place by the barbarian encampment of Pol, along the river dividing the Epillus and the Galdosian Mountains, and south of the [[Wemic]] lands of Ter'Shada, and Ter'Shen'Bak.
The armies of barbarians were a mix of the plainsmen and the wemic tribes, both strong and fierce warriors on the field. However, the battle was mismatched. The indigenous tribes excelled at hit and run tactics, but pitched battle spelled death for them. The legions were disciplined and strong, and did not waver. Backed by teh knights of the Order of the Hammer, the Kuraths Reach legion was to strong for the Barbarians to withstand, and a seige was eventually initiated around the village of Pol.
The story of the battle is as follows.
The barbarian army crosses the great river they named Upollu, under the eyes of the scouts sent from the Order of the Hammers finest riders. The size of the plainsmen and Wemic host was such that a vast plain was too narrow to accomadate them. The dust of their march blocked the sun.
They marched forward accross the hills until they eventually reached the ecentual site of the Fort Davicus, a small valley section between hiils, named the Epillitian Crown. Kuraths Reach marched forward, trying to press to the settlement, in an attempt to cut the barbarians supply chain. However, fearful of small skirmishers hitting them on their flanks and rear, and dwindling their nymbers, they moved slowly and in a tight formation, with their cavalry horses protected inside the column, to prevent the loss of their finest horses; a most valuable asset to the knight Equites.
Soon the Reach approached the Crown as night fell. The Kurathene soldiers were exhausted from the hot days sun, and without a drop of water in sight, were struggling in thirst. During the night, the barbarians encircled the Kuraths Reach, and hollered and yelled all night, driving the fear of [[The'ton]] into the hearts of the weaker willed legionnaires.
As the sun rose on a sleepness night, the Kurathene army could not see where their enemy hid. The plainsmen were experts in their territory, and hid in small groups around the hills. The Barbarians were waiting.
Eupheus and Nathan dicerned that the enemy general was waiting for the sun to rise until it was directly in the faces of the legion. They did not, however, expect it when the barbarians lit sections of the tall grasses on fire. The flames were not a concern, but the smoke clouded out the legions view to their goal in the east, only letting the bright rising glare of the hot sun pierce its thick cloak.
The legion began to panick, and in the ensuing confusion, Euphius order the footsoldiers in the vanguard to form a wedge and push towards the hills of the Crown., to escape the fires and gain a higer ground to defend from. The Vanguard was too hasty, however, and the footsoldiers became seperated from the rearguard and calvary behind.
Euphus ordered his soliders back to defend Nathans knights, but they refused/
"We are dead men! We have no water! The barbarians are all around us!"
Soon, the Barbarian wemics poured from the smoke and decended upon the rear formations. The cavalry, without a charge, were nearly defencless, and the footsoliders were exhausted.
The Barbarians pulled back, and as the rear unit attempted to mass a feeble charge, the plainsmen follwed with a volley of arrows. The Knights of the Order of the Hammer were breaking.
Seeing this, the vanguard's men's fear faded. They knew if the knights fell and routed, they would not alone be able to stand against the horde. They charged back to defend the knights.
Through small raids and hits, the units again merged and formed a tight formation, protecting the cavalry again inside. Euphus and Nathan ordered the men to march forward, without charging their agressor. They were defenceless until they hit more suitable terrain.
The barbarian strikes continued. Men died along the perimiter of the forces, and as they dropped, soldiers took place with shields up, marching at a literal creep. Euphus and Nathan struggled to prevent the forces from disintigrating.
The morale of the men was wavering, and their numbers were falling, but the discipline and training of the legions and knights kept cohesion strong... but Euphius noticed somthing else... the barbarians were growing confident. They lingered after a charge, instead of fleeing, to offer insults and battlecries. The Plainsmen archers stood openly, not hiding into the tall grass.
Euphius waited for the next strike. The barbarians fell like jackals onto the army, but rather than force back, they again stayed and taunted. The Kuraths reach could not well stand another raid.
Then Euphus Pulled his sword and held it high into the risen sun. The scream of charge echoed throug the Epillitian Crown, and the footsoldiers forced their shields into the onslaught of wemics and thrust their blades into the wall of barbarians.
The wemics were not expecting a counter, and their forward unit was enveloped by the footsoldier.
Seeing the opening, Nathan ordered his knights to ride out and around into a flanking position. The wemics attempted to stop them, but were cut off from the Kuraths Reach Centurion elites.
As the forward legions pushed up the hills towards the plainsmen skirmishers, they were met by the full onsaught of the barbarian army. The smoke filled sky and the baking sun slowed the legions centurions, but could not stop them. They bravely held their line until the tremendous thunder of the Knight-Equites of the Order of the hammer came leaping over the line, striking like a thrown spear into the heart of the barbarian army.
The wemics and plainsmen splintered like a broken shield.
It ended with the fracturing of the wemic tribes, and the routing of the Epillus plainsmen. The Plainsmen villages of Jetra and Pol were razed and rebuilt, as well as renamed. Jetra was renamed Port Euphius, and Pol was renamed Port Kirkun, as both were river ports, connecting the region with the southern frontier fiefdom of Valorian.
The Powerful southern Wemic tribe of Ter'Shada was forced to submit, and also forced to allow a shrine and mission of Toran to be built on the outskirts of their lands. They were also forced into service as auxilla to the Kuras Reach Leagion.
To maintain the western steppeland and control the plainsman and wemics that roamed, as well as to keep the region from Julaspiums grasp, Euphius established a keep in his name, Fort Praetlyn. It is a strong and large fort on a hillock outlooking the border, and north of the great Epillus wildflower seas of Ter'Shen'Bak, "the hunting grounds" of the wemic tribes.
After it's construction it was basically the frontier capital for Pylatea, and the only real defence of the steppland frontier, as the minor settlements of Port Kirkun and Port Euphius were to small to maintain a serious garrison.
=== Rebellion of the Mountain Tribes ===
It is said the cheifs from the tribes of the moutains wept when their plainsmen brothers were crushed under the blood soaked metal of the Kurathene boot.
They knew they would be next if they did not act fast to repel the foreign invaders from the Epillus steppe and the Liandryan lands.
The tribes of Hammerpaw united with the mountain tribes and the remaining scattered plainsmen tribes.
They formed an army, and moved out from their village along the lake Illius.
They marshalled all they could, and eventually stirred rebellion among the new colonies in the lands these foreigners dubbed "Pylatea"
Nathan Blackhammer and his knights were sent to  confront this new barbarian army.
Only days after they march from Fort Praetlyn, however, full rebellions spreads across the colonies of the steppes. Euphius is left to try and hold his recently captured lands without the aid of the Order of the Hammer. The legion is spread thin, and struggles against the barbarians, suffering heavy losses.
Evenutaly the village of Port Euphius is abandoned, as it is overrun from the nearby mountains residents.
Nathans army, however, was unaware, as rather than take the roads from the south, he marched north into the mountains instead, attempting to take the barbarians by suprise. Of course, he did not know that his supply had been severed for the first few weeks of travel.
Soon they discovered their peril, but were to far advanced to do much about it. Nathan ordered a press into the mountains, hoping they could take supply in the moutnains light forests, and eventually strike the barbarian capital of Lake Illius. His knights marched day and night for 7 days, to the point of death, until they neared the mountains that protected the capital.
Nathan had an ace up his sleeve.
The Wemic tribe of Hammerpaw were established in the moutnains near the border of the lands of Julaspium, and had recently begun to benifit from trade with the Empire. They slowly were being lured into the Kurathene fold. Nathan called his lieutentants, Benedict Algar Rheineg, Artair Marcellus Julian, and Domenias Logan Calnarghy, to approach the Hammerpaw pridemother and offer an alliance.
The rest of his army marched towards the city.
By the next morning, the siege was laid. Nathan knew the mountain tribes would not long sit inside their small walls, and awaited eagerly for the return of his lieutentant. He was, afterall, currently outnumbered 30 to 1.
No word came by the end of the 10th day, and evenutally, the gates began to swarm with activity. Nathan pulled his forces to the only clearing, in a terrible position by the ridges and cliffs that protected the city. His army was mainly cavalry, and he needed the open land for a charge. By the suns first light, the tribesman poured from the gates and slammed into the raging cavalry like the waves of the great oceans onto the cliffs. The knights were strong in their armour. The weak bronze and tin swords of the tribesman vould barely pierce the solid plate and scale armour of the knights. However, manpower was not in Nathans favour, and any slight mistake would spell disaster. He slowly alternated his fighting lines to generate as many cavalry charges as possible, but it was not helping. The tribesman were too many.
Bodies stacked higher than the walls of the city, and the blood stained the lake crimson, but it was inevitable. The morale of the kights was fading, and their chargers were dwindling. By late afternoon, Nathan prepared to order the retreat.
Seeing the inevitable route, the tribesman rallied out of the city en masse, and tride to engulf the knights as to slaughter them once and for all. This only spurned the knights on, as only the fear of death can do to well disciplined troops.
As the entire army of barbarians surrounded the knights, the hills filled with roars and howls as the wemics of Hammerpaw began to spring from the trees. The mountain men did not even turn to face them, as they beleived this to be the reserves sent by Hammerpaw to chase and slaughter the fleeing knights.
They were mistaken.
The wemics shredded the flesh from the bones of the barbarians rear units, and cut a bloody path to the front, where the remaining few knights stood valiantly fighting on, Nathan himslef dismounted and cutting limbs from his enemies. Stories say the bodies were piled around him higher than the hight of a hill giant, and the blood set to his waistband.
The barbarians were routing, and scattered into the trees. The leader of this band charging the line to prevent the rally, saw Nathan fighting, and charged towards him, hoping to slay the general and in turn break the strong confidence of the prevailing knights.
As he lept at Nathan, Nathan swung with every ounce of strength, and supposedly cut the general in half cleanly.
At the sight of this, all at once, the armies fell silent, and the horrific slaughter ended. The barbarians submitted, and Nathan, standing in the middle of the chaos, stood victorious. He lead his small remain unit, and the wemic reinforcements into the small city, and used it as a staging point to reclaim the Port Euphius from the rebellion, and eventually met and ended the barbarian seige of Fort Praetlyn.
Euphius renamed the Barbarian capital on Lake Illius, Lake Blackhammer, in honour of Nathan Blackhammer.
The tribes were now utterly crushed, and submitted completly under the might of the Kurathene Empire.
=== The stolen throne ===
After the total conquest of Pylatea, Euphius leaves the region under the guidance of Nathan and his lieutanants to deal with matters elsewhere.
Soon after he leaves, whispers of dissent among the locals in the new colonies begin. The End of the conquests saw Nathan and his lieutenatns become the local lords.
Considering his position, the nobles of Pylatea, and the pridemothers of Hammerpaw, push for Nathana to Usurp the title of Pylatea and claim the land for himself.
He begrungingly does, almost more out of fear of the nobility then desire to gain title.
The people respect him, and soon all strain of rebellion is quelled, and the nobles once again work together to maintain control of the newly settled lands.
Because of the relative weakness of the controlling nobilities, and for fear that upon the return of Euphius, he'll loose his title under the political and military weight of the general, he creates the General Assembly of Lords, giving the nobility a centralised power over the people of the region, under his guidance.
The first act of the General Assembly is the writing of the "Grand Contract". A Feudal Contract of nobles, tieing themselves to a cheif noble of the Pylatean lands. A new title is created, a Duchal title, and Nathan declares himslef Grand Duke of Pylatea, offering lesser Duchal status to the other nobles. The Feudal contract basicaly puts Nathan as the head among equals, giving him great faith of the nobility, and assures his position among the nobles in the eventual return of Euphius.
Euphius did return to challenge the Usurper, but was shocked to see the strong centralized nobility rally around Nathan as the rightful claimant of the Lands of Pylatea. Nathan, needing more support to outnumber Euphius militarily, grants the pridemothers of Hammerpaw and Ter'Shada lordship under the General Assembly, also gaining their support.
The nobility rally completely, in support of the Feudal Contract, and Euphius is forced to submit. He relinquishes claims to the title of Grand Duke, but demands proper compensation from Grand Duke Blackhammer. Nathan, still holding doubts over the entire intrigue, gladly grants Euphius a Duchal title over the western Steppes, and declares him the head of the General Assembly, under himself.
He declares Euphius the new head of the Order of the Hammer, and makes him the Earl of Pylatean Liandrya.
Nathan then takes control of the Kuraths Reach Legion, and begins the process of developing the small frontier duchy of Pylatea.
=== Second Rebellion of the Mountain Tribes ===
Even though Nathan struggles to gain control of the region, the general populace eventual tire under the Feudal Contract granted to the lords, and once again desire freedom.
Eventually, rather than work another mans land for no gain, they rally and rise up, raiding and looting the colony of Lake Blackhammer.
The rebellion lasted for several days, and the looting was brutal. The nobility and merchants fled to the outlaying villages, and the legion simply stood back and waited for the barbarians to subside and end the revolt. Eventually, through little combat, they were pushed aside, but Lake Blackhammer was decimated.
Nathan calls a massive rebuilding program, but to try and maintain a slight grasp of the peasantry, orders the workers to be from the citizenship, and grants any barbarian that works in the rebulding citizenship under the law of the Empire.
Eventually, total freeborn rights are granted, so all children born in the Duchy would be born free. The rebellions and strife slowly steamed out. Now all barbarian children born were free, unless they serf themselves to a lord to pay debts, or other legitimate and legal serfdom.
On the outskirts of the cliffs of Lake Blackhammer, on the site where Nathan staged his miraculous conquest of the village, the Hammerkeep is built as the gateway to Lake Blackhammer, and the access point from the Highway to the eastern fronteir. The Knighthood takes up residence their , and a large market is eventually formed to maintain trade to the outside regions.
Slowly, as the conquered locals begin to feel some freedom once again, rebellion slowly simmers and fades, and the grasp of the Empire on the region grows ever more present.
=== The Pylatea Gemstone Rush ===
Eventually, merchants and entrepreneurs established in the new colony, seeking wealth and title, and the prospects of glory in the new conquered lands.
One such individual was a man named Calvus Gilonem. He was a merchant of some means, and a bit of an explorer.
He funded a small trip to the region, and based himself out of Lake Blackhammer, trying to start a trade in selling barbarian artifiacts and dipping into the local fish market.
However, one day he decided to build a home along the great cliffs of the city.
The building was going splendidly, and the construction cut through the clliffs, establishing a nice villa for him and his pregnant wife.
Eventually, however, the construction stopped. His crew could not cut into a segment of the rock. After careful cutting and excavation, He discovered why. Diamond.
Diamond gave way to emerald... and soon he discovered large seems of many types of gemstones throughout the cliffs.
News rapidly spread, and soon a huge rush of prospectors flooded the colony seeking riches among the cliffs.
It rapidly began to get out of hand, and the city was totally bogged under by immigrants. This greatly upset the locals and nobles, as banditry and chaos began to spread into everyday life. Taxes were not properly carried, and the Census and Excise office was become sloppy and corrupt.
Natives felt it was their right to have first dibbs to the riches, and begand to revolt and picket against the immigrants.
Nathan feard a full blown riot was at hand.
He created the merchants Agreement. He granted lisencing rights to Calvus, the discoverer of the gemstones, and began the building of an official miine. He outlawed prospects outside of the jurisdicted mine, and forced many of the immigrants out. He also declared rights of citizenship, more or less giving locals, both Kurathene and indigenous alike, first dibbs on the rich gemstone quarry.
Soon, as legislation passed to assure wealth stayed in the fiefdom, and the Census and Excise bearau was replaced, order began to return, and the rush subsided.
As the chaos ended, more and more seams were discovered, and Pylatea establlished itself as the gemstone capital of the Empire, and a new haven for Powerful Merchant princes, the primary of them all being the Gilonem family.
Seeing this, Nathan granted them total lisencing rights, meaning the General Assembly would not claim any taxation on him and his exploits of the mine, only other merchants. He also granted Calvus Gilonem a position in court as the Steward, to manage financial situations with his equally economically wise wife, Chrystal.
SOon, the economy of the fief, bouyed by the gemstone rush, began to flourish.
=== Thieves and Barbarians ===
Even though order was returning and law was again prevailing, the rush estabished a criminal element in the city, pushed harder by the granting of Merchants rights.
Many disgruntled ousted prospectors, and indigenous locals feeling they are not getting their fair share, establish a "thieves Guild" of bandits and smugglers, to funnel the wealth into what they beleive to be the rightful pockets.
The crime began to escalate to the point where Nathan declared martial law among the colonies, and soon established the Blackhammer Watchman as a guards regiment to act as a judiciary to the residents.
The army is weakened by the transition, and as more trouble decends on the small colony of Pylatea, the Malekite hordes living deep in the Galdosian mountains begin to stir, trying to seize the chance and exploit the chink in Pylateas armour.
Soon, the King Orgoron the Maneavolent sends his armies, and after some minor skirmishes with Kuraths Reach, pins them inside the city and lays siege to the Colony of Lake Blackhammer.
Fearing defeat against the strong armies of the Giant King, Nathan pulls his army and residents out of the city into the hammerkeep, and calls the troops from around the Fiefdom to lift the seige.
As the nobles arrive in Hammerkeep, he announces something else... a change in laws of inheritance to a strong Primogrniture, meaning his children will directly inherit all titles. He establishes a Semisalic law, so even his daughter can claim title, and also, his wife.
A little upset at the declatation, the nobles nonetheless sent forth their armies, and soon removed the malekites from Lake Blackhammer.
Nathan, not one to fear the front lines, is seriously wounded in the battle, and many begin to fear his death, and what will happen when his still living wife claims the title of Grand Duchess...
=== Rebuilding Lake Blackhammer ===
The city was totally leveled after the scourge of King Orgorons horde.
The citizens returned to nothing but dust. Everything they had worked for was gone.
Nathan, seeing his life at an end, and wanting to finally see his colony established as a power within the empire, hands his entire monetary estate to the citizens of Lake Blackhammer, to undergo a dramatic rebuilding of the city.
Soon plans are drawn, and the city is slowly transformed from a razed tribal colony, to a large stone city-keep, intended to keep out any further attacks. The walls strech from the cliffs to the lake itself. Even the bridges and docks are built from strong stone. A large quarry is established north in the mountains to supply the rock, and once again, the economy and population begins to struggle uphill and return the land to fertility.
To further defend the land, the Order of the Hammer establishes a tower in Port Euphius to watch over the mountains at all times, as an early warning of future raids accross the lake.
Slowly, the region begins to recover, and trade once again begins from the Hammerkeep throughout the empire.
The indigenous locals once again begin to stir the pot. The petition the dying Grand Duke Nathan for redress, and demand complete citizenship, not just freeborn rights.
In a last ditch attempt to unify the barbarians, wemics and Kurathene immigrants, he grants all within the feif legal citizenship.
This, coupled with his dramatic donation, secures him and his heirs among the populace... however the nobles are outraged.
To prevent a spiral of control, he modifies the law of citizenship, and declares serfdom among the peasantry. Any peasant serfed would need to purchase his or her freedom through labour to their respective lord.
The results are a mix of Nobles and peasants both agreeing and disagreeing, but for now, rebellion does not seem to be rearing its familiar head in Pylatea.
Nathan further begins to appoint many of the local barbarians titles and land, and grants many baronets and merchant rights, securing more and more of the land under the barbarians population, but still keeping the bulk of the wealth flowing up into the lords of the General Assembly.
Peace finally seeps into the fief, and into Nathans life... all to late.
=== The Death of Nathan Blackhammer ===
Shortly after the rebulding of Lake Blackhammer begins, and the establishing of citizenship laws, Grand Duke Nathan Elliot Blackhammer dies.
Popular support is poured from the people to maintain his wife, Chrystal, as the true claimant to the title. The nobles, still irked by the changes to the laws of heredity, from an elective among the vassalage, try and force the title to be recognized back to Euphius, claiming Nathan was a usurper after all, and not the rightful heir.
Eventually, however, the wemic nobility and merchant classes rally around the Blackhammer family, fearing that Euphius would change the Feudal Contract and remove the Merchants Rights.
The merchant prince, Calvus Gilonem petitions to the nobles, and convinces them that granting the title back to Euphius would lead furthe to a change in the Feudal Contract, and ending in total regal supremacy, as well as an elimination of the General Assembly, so Euphius could restructure the land to his likeing.
The locals, outraged at this prospect, begin to stir revolt against Euphius and his backers. Also, many of his previous allies fall to the side of the locals and Merchants, and begin to support the Blackhammer line
Soon, Chrystal Isodoria Blackhammer is declared the Grand Duchess, as Euphus, seeing a full revolt on the horizon, gives up his claim once again, and submits.
The new Grand Duchess resumes the immense rebuilding process and begins a total economic restructuring with the assistance of the Merchant Prince and Steward, Calvus Gilonem. Rights are once again reaffirmed to the Merchants and craftsman, and the Feudal Contract is resigned among the nobility.
Trouble still seems to curse the Blackhammer line, however. They are basically bankrupt, after Nathan offered the estate to rebuld the city. Through all of the economic restruction, financial disaster looms on the horizon for the family, so the Duchess begins a massive political campaign to marry the daugher, Auwenilda to a rich noble. However, to make sure the money goes into the fiefdom, the noble must also become the claimant of the title.
Duchess Chrystal declares Auwenilda as the heir apperant to the title, transfering across from the rightful heir, her son, Gabriel. This means that when Auwenilda takes title, her husband would effectivly be given the title of Grand Duke, and as the male, complte control of the fief, and the mans forutne would be that of the blackhammer line. Under the laws of inheritance, marriages outside of the family became "adoptions" so the new noble would effectivly take the name of his wife, and not the traditional way.
To devote her time to this task, Chrystal cedes her title to Auwenilda immidiatly, and begins her travels. Auwenilda is corronated as the Grand Duchess.
However, Auwenilda was under and oath to undertake a pilgramige on the death of her father, and she decided she will not forsake the oath. She leaves for her pilgramige, and give her brother temporary title, as 2nd Grand Duke.
Immediatly, Euphius and the General Assembly begin a campaign to convince Gabriel to Usurp the title, as he is the rightful heir
Once again, chaos looms for Pylatea.

== Geography ==
== Geography ==
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The lake is also fed from the great underground lakes and mountain rivers of Galdos. The rich mineral makes it thick with the inland freshwater fish that feeds almost all of the residents of Pylatea, whom reserve the cattle and oxen for the more important purposes of needing a hardy animal to travel the ever changing weather of Pylatea.
The lake is also fed from the great underground lakes and mountain rivers of Galdos. The rich mineral makes it thick with the inland freshwater fish that feeds almost all of the residents of Pylatea, whom reserve the cattle and oxen for the more important purposes of needing a hardy animal to travel the ever changing weather of Pylatea.

Nort of the city is another feature that needs mention. The Aquaduct. Built to bring a source of water to the city of Lake Blackhammer that was not thicker in the mountain salts, it is the main water source for the residents of Pylatea. It is a grand feature, built over, and in some parts under the mountains themselves, before dumping into a man made seperate segement of the lake, now known as Julians moor, after the noble family of Julian.
North of the city is another feature that needs mention. The Aquaduct. Built to bring a source of water to the city of Lake Blackhammer that was not thicker in the mountain salts, it is the main water source for the residents of Pylatea. It is a grand feature, built over, and in some parts under the mountains themselves, before dumping into a man made seperate segement of the lake, now known as Julians moor, after the noble family of Julian.

Another dramatic feature is the strange artifacts of the mountains. Monoliths, stone circles, and even a large carved stone statue decorate this unforgiving region. It is assumed they were made by the precursers of the mountain tribes, but nobody is certain. Now that Pylatea is under firm Kurathene control, however, it may become the next great archeological site of the empire. The wemic tribes now use the stone circles in their ceremonies to their Gods.
Another dramatic feature is the strange artifacts of the mountains. Monoliths, stone circles, and even a large carved stone statue decorate this unforgiving region. It is assumed they were made by the precursers of the mountain tribes, but nobody is certain. Now that Pylatea is under firm Kurathene control, however, it may become the next great archeological site of the empire. The wemic tribes now use the stone circles in their ceremonies to their Gods.
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In the winter, the reverse is often true. THe mountains are harsh and cold, and the steppes are vast and windy, offering no protection from the icey gusts, but often a warm wind will push in, and trap itself along the mountain ridge before pressures shift it away. These winds bring a welcome sudden gust of summer like heat.
In the winter, the reverse is often true. THe mountains are harsh and cold, and the steppes are vast and windy, offering no protection from the icey gusts, but often a warm wind will push in, and trap itself along the mountain ridge before pressures shift it away. These winds bring a welcome sudden gust of summer like heat.
== The Pylatean League ==
The Pylatean League is the outgrowth of the Treaty of Blackhammer, which originally formed the mutual defense alliance between the eastern principalities after the rise of Crullath in the mid-19th century. Gradually built from the framework of mutual-defense into a more cohesive identity, the Pylatean League is primarily known for the much greater Galdosian influence in its culture.
Formed with the Duchy of Pylatea as its central state, the League consists of a rough confederation of six other principalities and their bordering Galdosian settlements. Because of their access to high quality dwarven goods, the League boasts one of the best trained and best equipped armies in Kurathene, easily pound for pound the equivalent of any major force short of the Fourth Imperium or Crullathian Empire.
This relative security, combined with the need for a strong centralized leadership after the fall of Servator to Crullath has been a key component in the rise of Pylatean unity. While the individual dukes and princes still retain sovereign control of their territories, the League has begun to assert its primacy, including introducing new tariffs and lowering trade barriers between League members.

== Military ==
== Military ==
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[[Category:Pylatea]] [[Category:Avlis Armies and Fiefdoms|Pylatea]]

Latest revision as of 01:57, 18 October 2022

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Crullath · Cytheria
Halstead · Julaspium
Medec · Osannia
Pylatea · Servator
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Note: This information refers to the Third Imperium Age. As of the 2200s, Pylatea is the core of the Pylatean League. See: Fourth Imperium Age


See: Pylatea History


Pylatea has mountains, lakes, and rivers to the north and eastern sections. Hills and flatlands cover the central and outlying areas, a region known as the Epillus steppe, hilly, with little rainfall and short grasses. Pylatea has little arable land and the rough terrain is not condusive to large-scale building.

Economy and Resources

Wood resources: Almost none. The steppelands are devoid of trees altogether, and even the mountains are very sparsly populated with trees, the only ones being imported on the request of a rich landowner, in many cases.

Mining: The mountains provide a strong source of Titanium, and limited amounts of iron. The mixture of steppe land, mountains, and minerals from the underground aquifers of Galdos, have made the land an exceptionally rich deposit of most types of exotic gems and stones.

There are also stonequarries useful in the building of the homes colonists live in across the fief.

Animals: The lake and rivers provide a huge supply of fish, and the mountains and steppes have several types of woolly oxen and deer useful for their meat and skins.

Farming and Agriculture: The stepplands and mountains make agriculture nearly impossible across Pylatea. The long sturdy grasses are excellent for cattle fodder, however.

Unique Features

Pylatea seems plain and desolate at first, but that hides the uniqueness of this rich land.

Primarily, the lands were quite recently not in Kurathene hands. They were one of the last frontier regions, and controlled by the local steppe and mountain tribes. As such, there are still Wemic villages, most dominant being the camp know as Ter'Shada, and the plains regions and ancient hunting grounds of the tribes, Ter'Shen'Bak.

These flowing seas of grass are a home to another unique feature; The Pylatean wildflower sea. Western Pylatea, leading to near the borderlands of Julaspium, is a region rich and wildflowers of all types. From a distance overlooking the plains, it's a bright contrast to the dry browns and greens of the steppe, offering yellow, red, blue, purple and white pools scattered throughout. These regions are sacred to the local wemics.

The City of Lake Blackhammer is a unique feature in itself. Built into the side of a large cliff region, with the lake to the east, makes only two real entrances to the city. Within the cliffs themselves is a myriad of one of the worlds largest depostits of various gemstones.

The lake is also fed from the great underground lakes and mountain rivers of Galdos. The rich mineral makes it thick with the inland freshwater fish that feeds almost all of the residents of Pylatea, whom reserve the cattle and oxen for the more important purposes of needing a hardy animal to travel the ever changing weather of Pylatea.

North of the city is another feature that needs mention. The Aquaduct. Built to bring a source of water to the city of Lake Blackhammer that was not thicker in the mountain salts, it is the main water source for the residents of Pylatea. It is a grand feature, built over, and in some parts under the mountains themselves, before dumping into a man made seperate segement of the lake, now known as Julians moor, after the noble family of Julian.

Another dramatic feature is the strange artifacts of the mountains. Monoliths, stone circles, and even a large carved stone statue decorate this unforgiving region. It is assumed they were made by the precursers of the mountain tribes, but nobody is certain. Now that Pylatea is under firm Kurathene control, however, it may become the next great archeological site of the empire. The wemic tribes now use the stone circles in their ceremonies to their Gods.

Last, but not least, is the region itself. Pylatea is a strong contrast of climates, landmasses, and cultures. Partially mountains, partially steppe, and still a region in transition, from barbarism to the Kurathene civilization. The tribes are still prevelant in much of the land, but the empire is slowly gaining control and bringing law and order to the land.

The climate is a feature for it's brutality. The dramatic changes in land from extremes, and the mountains north and east, prevent much rainfall, and provide a harsh climate. The days can change from overwhelming heat to bitter cold in the course of an hour, and it often takes months to see a short sprinkling of rain.

The summers are generally dry, and range from extreme heat in the steppes, to a mild and teperate climate in the mountains. Winds often push through the mountains of Galdos and bathe the region in a chilling cold for several days, sometimes even bringing snow.

In the winter, the reverse is often true. THe mountains are harsh and cold, and the steppes are vast and windy, offering no protection from the icey gusts, but often a warm wind will push in, and trap itself along the mountain ridge before pressures shift it away. These winds bring a welcome sudden gust of summer like heat.

The Pylatean League

The Pylatean League is the outgrowth of the Treaty of Blackhammer, which originally formed the mutual defense alliance between the eastern principalities after the rise of Crullath in the mid-19th century. Gradually built from the framework of mutual-defense into a more cohesive identity, the Pylatean League is primarily known for the much greater Galdosian influence in its culture.

Formed with the Duchy of Pylatea as its central state, the League consists of a rough confederation of six other principalities and their bordering Galdosian settlements. Because of their access to high quality dwarven goods, the League boasts one of the best trained and best equipped armies in Kurathene, easily pound for pound the equivalent of any major force short of the Fourth Imperium or Crullathian Empire.

This relative security, combined with the need for a strong centralized leadership after the fall of Servator to Crullath has been a key component in the rise of Pylatean unity. While the individual dukes and princes still retain sovereign control of their territories, the League has begun to assert its primacy, including introducing new tariffs and lowering trade barriers between League members.


The Knighthood

The Chivalric Order that resides in Pylatea is a branch of the Most Venerable Order of the Hammer. Common soldiers who distinguish themselves often are accepted into the knighthood. The sons of noble families also commonly join at a young age as a way to distinguish themselves before retaining their parents positions in society

The Knighthood follows a strict rank system:

  • Page
  • Squire
  • Knight
  • Crusader Knight
  • Baronet
  • Knight Commander
  • Knight Grand Commander

Sons of noble families often enter into the knighthood as children. They are given the rank of Page, and are more or less errand boys for the other higher ranks. Commoners who distinguish themselves as Men-At-Arms, and pages who put in their time, are promoted to the rank of Squire, or Knight in Training. This is the first rank in the knighthood that activly fights on the field. Individuals who earn the favour of the leadership of the Order of the Hammer and the Blackhammer nobility then are granted Knighthood, and recieve the rank of Knight. Knights act as the elite soldiers of the fief, and often are also the intermediates of the nobility to the commoners. When a knight distinguishes himself through dedication to the fief, the nobility, and above all, the church of Gorethar or Toran, they are given the option to either remain in the knighthood in a combat role, or begin moving towards a more political role.

Knights that choose combat are granted the title of Crusader Knight. The ones that choose to follow a role that leads to politics become Baronets. Most often, the title of baronet is only handed down to Knights who own land. Quite often knights become Crusader Knights until they earn enough wealth to become landholders, at which point the choose to become baronets, which is a strong doorway into the low levels of nobility. Crusader Knights who attain land but still choose to serve the Knighthood are promoted to the rank of Knight Commander after further distinguishing themselves on the field.

The commander of the Order of the Hammer is currently the leader of the House of Praetlyn, Eupheus Davicus Praetlyn. The title of this role is Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Hammer, and is the highest rank in the knighthood. The term 'distinguishing on the field' is relative of course. The monarch of the fief, the Blackhammer hier, can grant rank as he or she desires, and as a political tool to gain the favour of noble families, will use that power to hand out empty rank and title to gain favours in the future.

The knighthood is generally trained in the use of Warhammers, and wear strong plate armour. Silver and Gold are the standard colours.

Motto of the Order of the Hammer:

Glory of the empire, enemy of Tyranny

The Pylatea Army - Kurath's Reach

The established common army below the knighthood is a branch of the Magnus Legion named Kurath's Reach. The army is mainly filled with commoners. People who are not able to distinguish themselves through craftsmanship and other means often join Kuraths Reach as a way of making money and earning respect.

Kurath's Reach Titles:

  • Man-At-Arms
  • Legionary of the Steppes
  • Champion of Justice
  • Crusader-General
  • Grand Lord-Commander

The new green recruits are not given rank until they gain field experience, at which point they either join the Pylatea City Guard, or recieve the rank of Men-At-Arms, where they are more or less officialy a standing solider of Kuraths Reach.

Men who distiniguish themselves, but do not desire to join the knighthood can recieve the title of Legionary of the Steppes. Legionaries of the Steppes are often granted command of small units and patrols, or platoons. They are generally under the command of higher ranking members of the Order of the Hammer or Kuraths Reach at all times, however. The title and rank attained after Legionary of the Steppe is Champion of Justice, and is the command rank among Kuraths reach.

The highest rank received in Kuraths Reach is Crusader-General. Crusader-Generals are often accepted as knights during their service, and individuals who are never accepted for knighthood early in their careers often step into the nobility through this rank. A member of the General Assembly of Lords is generally granted command of Kuraths Reach. The current commanding noble is Benedict Algar Rheineg, of the House of Rheineg. The Title granted to the Noble in command of Kuraths reach is Grand Lord-Commander of Kuraths Reach, and carries with it the noble title of Earl.

The Kuraths Reach is also famous for their Longbowman and peasant rangers, recruited from the hardy rangers who hunt the Galdosian Mountains and the Epillus Steppe. The Ranged soldiers among the peasant ranks generally use crossbows, because of the power they pack, and the ease in which the green recruit can learn to use the weapon. The soldiers of Kuraths Reach wield all variety of melee weapons, particularly among the peasant soliders who have to supply their own weapons. Peasant often pick the field of battle of weapons no longer needed.

Wemics in Kuraths Reach are rare, and only seem to appear in times of high recruitment demand. Wemics are often expected to serve in the army, but often form their own small units, which do not have any real ranking system. They are made up of Wemic Plainsmen

The City Guard

Commoners who don't have the stomach for field pitched combat, but survive long enough to be given the option of becoming Men-At-Arms often choose to join the city guard over remaining in Kuraths Reach. The City Guards are sent in small garrisons to protect nobles and commoners and enforce the law. In times when the villages and cities are attacked, they are under the command of Kuraths Reach as Men-At-Arms.

City Guard Titles and Ranks:

  • Blackhammer Watchman
  • Commander of the Walls
  • Captain of the Guard
  • Chief Justice of the Peace, Sentinel of Blackhammer

A noble of the General Assembly of Lords is often placed in command of the City Guard, and retains the title of Chief Justice of the Peace, Sentinel of Blackhammer. The Current Chief Justice and Sentinel is Artair Marcellus Julian, of the Noble house of Julian


The layout of the fief has produced a distinct group of people. Because of the limited trade and contact with the dwarves of Galdos through minor expeditions into the mountains, Pylatea's people have some similar cultural nuances. The small villages are often more 'clan' oriented. Much of the population follows the dwarven and gnomish deities, though Toran is still a dominant deity. Many people that live in the mountain villages and in Lake Blackhammer are craftsman, where blacksmiths, weapon smiths and armorers find ample resources. In the steppes and hills, people are herders, farmers and hunters.

Due to Pylatea's difficult living conditions, villages are small and sparsely populated and travel over the hills is difficult by foot. Agriculture is limited due to the lack of irrigation and arable land. Hunters often worship Pelar and live in the forested isolation of the mountains, or the steppes, coming to the villages to sell their hunts and furs.

The steppe is home to many wemic prides. The wemics are accepted throughout Pylatea and actively participate in general affairs; however they seem to prefer the nomadic lifestyle of the steppes rather then city-life. The wemic population has two noble houses in the General Assembly of Lords, but most wemics don't regard this as significant, and many believe it to be simply the human monarchy placating the wemic population for a usefull source of skilled fighters. A wemic noble has never lead the General Assembly. The wemic population worship their cultural deities, though many that live in cities and villages convert to the more common deities of the fief, Toran and Gorethar, and sometimes Pelar.

Pylatea has a strong sense of class and gender difference. The upper class nobles all maintain the business and trade, and the lower common classes do the manual labour and grunt work. Few plebians manage to rise in rank in the fief with the most prevelent ways through military success or through skill in craftsmanship and trade. Warriors and blacksmiths are generally the 'elite' of the plebian classes.

Pylatean females are not considered 'lesser' over the male population, but are expected to perform different duties. Pylatean males are the soldiers, craftsman, and merchants; females are expected to perform as administrators, and raising the family. Though females are technically allowed to become soldiers, craftsmen, or even merchants; 'proper ladies' just do not partake in such careers.


The government structure is based on law and order. The Noble house strongly abides by the codes of conduct and chivalry of the Kurathene empire. The government strives for honor and justice above all else.


There are several noble houses.

The House of Blackhammer – Monarch, leading noble family
The House of Praetlyn – leading Nobles of the General Assembly
The House of Rheineg
The House of Julian
The House of Calnarghy
The House of Hammerpaw – Wemic nobility
The House of Ter'shada – Wemic nobility

There is also a representative Draconic, Shhallak. He and his family are friends of the leading Blackhammers. Though not a notable noble family, the Blackhammers accepted a Draconic family advisor, and the family retains it's advisory role. Though many of the human nobles think the Dracon family is simply trying to wedge it's way into power, it would outwardly seem they are more interested in furthering the ideals of strict ethics over the more moraly guided humans, and make sure Law is strong.

The Monarch of the Fief follow the title of Grand Duke/Duchess, rather than declaring themselves king or queen. The Leader of the General Assemble of Lords attains the rank of Duke of Pylatea.

The leading family members of the noble lines are:

The House of Blackhammer – Auwenilda Viarra Blackhammer, Grand Duchess. Currently, however, her brother Gabriel Sergius Blackhammer is taking the title of Grand Duke of Pylatea, leading until her return. Her mother, Chrystal Isidora Blackhammer, the 2nd Grand Duchess of Pylatea, abdicated the throne in favour of her daughter, instead prefering to devote her time to finding a suitable husband for the Grand Duchess Auwenilda. The House of Praetlyn – Eupheus Davicus Praetlyn, Representative of the Assembly of Lords of Pylatea, Duke of Pylatea, Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Hammer, 1st Prefect Liandyra, 1st Earl Praetlyn, 1st Viscount Wintercast, 1st Baron Halvia, Knight Grand Commander of the Royal Order of Kuras The House of Rheineg - Benedict Algar Rheineg, Duke of Pylatea, Grand Lord-Commander of Kuraths Reach, Magus Legion, Pylatea The House of Julian - Artair Marcellus Julian, Earl of Pylatea, The most honourable Chief Justice of Pylatea, Sentinel of Pylatea The House of Hammerpaw – Tira Hammerpaw, Pridemother The House of Ter'shada – Jerhima Ter'Shada, pridemother The House of Calnarghy - Domenias Logan Calnarghy, Earl of Pylatea

The previous Grand Duke, Nathan Elliot Blackhammer attained the title after the conquest of Pylatea and the establishment of the capital, Lake Blackhammer. Originally Duke Eupheus Davicus Praetlyn held dominion, but being an established aristocrat meant he needed to place a trusted noble into leadership. He granted Nathan Blackhammer a title of Duke. Duke Blackhammer established the City, Lake Blackhammer, and began active trading with the outlying fiefs, establishing a strong industry in the trade of local resources from the mountains, and quelling the last rebellions among the dominated wemic tribes. He eventually declared himself Grand-Duke of Pylatea, and monarch of the fief. Euphus never challenged the title, and accepted his role as Duke. He did, as a way of snubbing the now ruling Blackhammers, create a General Assembly of the local lords, and he chose the leading noble families, even the two most notable Pridemothers among the wemic tribes.

Grand Duke Nathan Blackhammer maintained control by appealing to the people. His strong devotion to the ideals of both Toran and Gorethar increased his popularity. He was, however, not a skilled diplomat or merchant, relying on his Dracon friend and advisor, Shallak, and secretly relying heavily on his very diplomatically talented wife. One of his many decisions that made him popular, but rather unpopular among the general assembly was to 'donate' almost all of his family wealth to the people of the Pylatea upon his death. This assured that when his wife became Grand Duchess, there would be a strong appeal to keep her in power, and not have power roll down to Euphus, or his family. The Grand Duchess Chrystal almost immediatly abdicated her rule. She realized the plight the family was in. Without wealth to maintain the much needed economy and strong army of Pylatea, they would surly be swept aside by either another noble house, or by a rival Fief lord seeking the strong iron deposits in the mountains. She granted her daugher the rule of Pylatea, and the title of Grand Duchess. She then began her current diplomatic tour seeking a suitable, and by suitable I mean rich, husband to not only maintain the Blackhammer families dominion of Pylatea, but to assure their financial well being.

Nathan also had established a radical system of appointment of heirs after his death. He did it to not only maintain his families strength, but also because he knew his wife was stronger diplomatically and economically than he was. He wanted her to rule after his death, so he made a strong declaration, something that the other noble houses were not nearly as welcoming of.

The new selection of heirs was as follows:

Monarch Widow of the active monarch Eldest Blackhammer Son Eldest Blackhammer Daughter Any Eldest remaining sibling, with no favour given to gender, but to ability and popularity Eldest Niece/nephew of Active monarch - name is changed upon coronation, ties with direct family are removed Eldest Aunt/Uncle of active monarch - name is changed upon coronation, ties with direct family are removed Adoption of the Eldest son or daughter from the most popular of the General Assembly of Lords - name is changed on coronation, ties with direct family are removed

This meant women would be able to retain the power officially and absolutely, even after marriage to a suitable husband!

This caused some strife among the leading families, but garnished a bit more respect from the notable Wemic families. However, Grand Duchess Auwenilda had managed to distinguish herself somewhat, fighting with her brother and father during disputes with bandits, and malekite giantkin raids from the mountaintops. She had gained the diplomatic skills from her mother, however, and not the build of a soldier.

Nathan had asked that his son and daughter take a pilgramige to further develop their beleifs in Toran and Gorethar, in Law and righteousness. They would return after their pilgramage to the south was complete, and be properly ready to take the throne after the death of their mother.

Of course, this couldn't happen because of the abdication of the title. Auwenilda still wanted to honour her fathers request however, and left on a pilgramige, giving her brother the title of 2nd Grand Duke. He would run the fief until her return.

Many of the noble families were happy with this, assuming that Auwenilda would probably not survive the pilgramige. This would put the male heir, Gabriel, in the seat of power permenantly.

However, because there is no way to assure this, the noble families within the General Assembly have ralllied under Duke Euphus to try and manipulate the Grand Duke Gabriel Blackhammer to convince him to try and change the law and keep the throne after his sisters return. The outcome of these political challenges has yet to be seen.

Of course, this internal instability does not bode well for the Fiefs image interally throughout the Empire. The diplomatic travels of the Lady Chrystal, Auwenildas mother, are the only real voice trying to maintain Pylateas good standing.

The Monarchy

Pylatea is a monarchy, with a noble governing council, called the General Assembly of Lords.

Pylatea is ruled by the noble house of Lake Blackhammer. The rulership is heriditary, in the event that the line does not have a suitable heir, either one is chosen through marriage or one of the leading houses 'donates' an heir. This donated heir has their name changed and becomes a member of the Blackhammer noble family. As such, the noble line became 'muddled' over generations.

At current, the noble Blackhammer line is human. Wemics are often in other noble families, but as of yet wemics have not been accepted as the ruling monarch, and it is doubtful they ever would.

During times of a ruling female monarch, the Queen is expected to maintain policy and administration and marry a notable noble knight or general to oversee military affairs. In the times of the ruling monarch being male, the King is expected to marry a well educated woman of capable administration to manage the fief while the king is busy protecting the borders.

The General Assembly

The leading King or Queen of the Blackhammer line controls the government absolutely, but to assist in matters of state, the General Assembly of Lords also assists in ruling, to a very limited degree.

The leading nobles throughout the fiefdom assemble during the harvesting season or in times of emergency. The Ruling noble of the Blackhammers presents issues that need addressing and the General Assembly debates them. After the debates, the reigning monarch decides on the action to be taken. On a lesser scale, the General Assembly is often used as local tax collectors and responsible for maintaining the local garrisons and supplying provisions to the soldiers.

The leading nobles chosen to join the General Assembly of Lords are selected by the General Assembly and the monarch during meetings of the assembly. If a member dies during the year, that noble house is no longer represented until the next meeting, where the General Assembly and the Monarch will decide whether or not to allow the heir to his family's seat in the next. The ruling Blackhammer monarch can remove or add a member to the General Assembly at any time. Because of the lawful nature of the citizenry, and the ideals of a greater good, people assume the monarch strives for only what is just and right, therefore trust absolutely that the monarch's decisions are for the good of society as a whole, and rarely questioned, even by the noble houses. The monarch of the Blackhammer line has absolute power over the General Assembly at all times.

The General Assembly of Lords meet in Lake Blackhammer, in the main hall of the Blackhammer Keep.

Foreign Relations

Pylatea is primarily a producer of metal goods and seeks to trade these goods to maintain enough food for the villages. Pylatea often seeks alliances and strives to maintain strong relations with other fiefs in order to maintain a supply of food and sale of goods. The leadership and populace often views themselves as crusaders of Kurathene, champions of justice and good, and form alliances with fiefs of similar ideals.

Capital City - Lake Blackhammer

Lake Blackhammer is built in a valley, towards the lake and mountains for defense. It is constructed around a central keep and the buildings were constructed in an irregular, winding series of alleys to increase defensibility and keep the city small. The central keeps walls maintain shrines to Toran and Gorethar.


Toran, Gorethar, Clangeddin, and Fegall are the primary gods of Pylatea. Other commonly accepted deities include Pelar, worshipped among mountains hunters, Ayreh Gidol, and Balgar, worshipped among the wemic tribes in the steppes. Worship of most evil deities such as The'ton, Maleki, Valok, and Aarilax is illegal.