PCs:Mereppi Tinkerspell

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Full Name: Mereppi Tinkerspellschnausendeglokin

Age: Fifty-three

Race: Avlissian Gnome (Rock Gnome)

Gender: Female

Deity: Fegall

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Formerly True Neutral)

Class: Wizard/Barbarian

Birthplace: Derome Delen, Deglos

Occupations and Affiliations:

Mereppi in Ferrell, with her favorite fishing pole.


Mereppi has always been fascinated by the design of all things, both living and inanimate. She constantly experiments with new structures and designs, in order to try and improve on the original. She is currently an architect in the employ of Riadoc of Dra'Nar, of the Ivory Order of the Sun. Mereppi helped him to redraft a set of blueprints for a new Dra'Narian orphanage in Mikona, and will potentially help him design others to be built around southern Avlis.

-Arcane Researcher:

Mereppi's fascination with design extends especially to the arcane. She is a wizardess, specialized in the art of Transmutation. She uses her skills to tear apart and to redesign matter, to satiate her curiousity about the nature of reality. She is unable to cast any spells from the school of Conjuration, as she is strictly opposed to the nature of such spells.

To quote Mereppi: "Matter cannot merely be whisked from some unknown source, and bent to a whim! Only by 'knowing' the true nature and design of an object can you understand the truth of it."

-Initiate to the Red Order of the Flame:

Mereppi is currently an initiate to the Red Order of the Flame, one of the Nine Orders of the Trust. Her sponsor in the Red Order is the wizardess, Micah. (See The Red Order of the Flame, under Recent History, below.)

The Emblem of the Solar Brigade

-Member of the Solar Brigade:

In service to the High Mage Council, Mereppi has banded together with a group of adventuring friends, whom are now calling themselves "The Solar Brigade". (See The Drangonari and Wild Magic, under Recent History, below.)

-Member of the Contraptioneers:

Mereppi has been recruited by a band of gnomish tinkerers, mages, clerics, and other interested folk. They plan to restore the Research Institute of Oddities in Minur-Kurzad, and to clear out the Underground Labratories, in order to construct a new Workshop for the building and study of contraptions.

The group may have other plans, as well...

Recent History:

Like most gnomes, she has an insatiatible curiousity about the nature of existance.

(The following has all occured in game, starting with the most recent Ferrell Trade Fair.)

The Deck of Hazards:

She aquired from a lich, for a brief period of time, an ancient artifact known as "The Deck of Hazards". Unable to resist the temptation that such a magical device proffered, she drew from it, with near-disasterous results. The deck continued to haunt her, reappearing in her hands once more, and setting loose an angry ancient dragon in the middle of the Ferrell Trade Fair, which was quickly dispatched by Smeec and Amy, among her other friends.

The deck did leave her with several lasting curses, as well. Until she left Ferrell that day, she was sickened by an unconquerable illness, a plague of horrible nature, which caused her to shake and vomit, and likely would have killed her if not for the protective enchantments on her staff. However, when that curse left her, a new one had begun...

The Avatar

The Avatar:

The Deck left Mereppi with a darker side to her being. Whenever she is threatened, or sees imminent danger, "The Avatar" will emerge. She is both afraid of this power, and eager to study it, and to learn of it's limitations. Usually, the fear wins out, and she will remain in her alternate form only until the current and immediate danger in any situation has passed.

Although she retains her mind and thoughts, there is a subtle shift in her personality while under the influence of The Avatar. She is fearless, to the point of sheer recklessness, and when hard-pressed will enter into the wild rage of a barbarian.

The Drangonari and Wild Magic:

Mereppi soon found herself drafted by a Fatespinner of the Red Order, by the name of Artorius. As she had been "touched by chaos", he insisted that she come to a soon-to-occur meeting of mages, there in Ferrell.

Many famous and powerful mages were present, Aerill, archmage of Blue, Damar, archmage of Gold, and Micah, the Red Witch, among others. Mereppi was introduced to a group whom she would soon become close friends with, later named the "Solar Brigade", after the feat they would soon preform.

Artorius had tracked a large amount of Drangonari to the Little Falls Canyon, where they had located an ancient device. In the hands of the Drangonari, this device had been corrupted, and used to cause the wild magic plaguing the Eastern Wastes of Visimontium.

In a great battle, in which ten elite mages of the Trust perished, The Solar Brigade secured the device, and repaired it, to model the original three orders of magic itself. Runes were inscribed, the Sun, Moon, and Stars anchored to Chaos, and all was once again in it's proper place.

Trust mages soon after unearthed a great wealth of knowledge in ancient tomes and spells. Kieron and the other mages of the Trust soon opened up a new wing in the extradimensional Archives to store all the new magical information, so that it could be studied.

For the part they played in the unearthing of this arcana, Mereppi and the other members of the Solar Brigade inscribed their names into the cornerstone of the new Archive floor.

The Red Order of the Flame:

The wizardess Micah, also known as the "Red Witch", has offered to sponsor Mereppi as an initiate in the Red Order of the Flame. In her effort, Mereppi has been bidden to seek out mages of each other Order, and to learn from them the purpose, beliefs, and structure of those orders.

However, in the progress of this task, Mereppi has uncovered some interesting information about her sponsor, Micah, learning that not only had she not always been a mage of Red, but that she had actually been the former Archmage of the Ebony order. Mereppi has decided to not mention this to Micah, at least not for the moment...

Hallimancus the Lich, Kieron, and the Positive Energy Artifacts:

Mereppi met with the other members of the Solar Brigade at the Ferrell Branch of the Academy of Mortal Magic. Shortly, the bursts of powerful destructive magic alerted them all to a confrontation in the meeting room.

They rushed in to find an unconscious Ivory wizard, several dead dark-robed figures, and several living ones teleporting in to finish the job. Micah arrived just in time to save the Solar Brigade from certian death, as did other reinforcements, soon after.

Upon reviving the unconscious Ivory, he related the tale of what had occured. Kieron had called out a powerful lich known as Hallimancus, to confront him about powerful artifacts of White Necromancy that he had stolen from the haunt of an elven baelnorn. Kieron apparantly did not suspect that Hallimancus would attack her there, in the Academy.

Mereppi reconized the name of the lich as the one whom she had met once before, at the Ferrell Trade Fair. Having seen the artifacts of chaotic magic which that lich already had possessed, she warned the others present to not underestimate him... all the while wondering to herself what she had gotten herself into by using a Deck of Hazards given to her by Hallimancus.

Through a letter left by Kieron to Sephira Everliss, they learned more about Hallimancus, his possible plans, and the artifacts. And thus, the Solar Brigade had a new quest!

Future Goals:

Mereppi will stop at nothing to uncover and possess additional artifacts of a magical nature. She firmly believes that such powerful artifacts as the ones she has dealt with should never be allowed to roam free, for all the harm they could cause, and instead must be carefully studied and held for safekeeping.

However, deep inside her heart, she knows that she could never resist the temptation to use such an artifact herself, and let the consequences be damned.

Contact Information:

Player: Solar Shinryuu

Avlis Boardname: Final Shinryuu