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The Temple District of Verloghokbol

General Information

Note: This information is no common knowledge on the surface of Negaria.

Somewhere in the Avlissian Underdark, nested into a vast cavern there lies the city of Verloghokbol - a trading outpost to some known as the Dark City. Nearer to the surface than any other outpost, the city hosts a large population of Adomkuro and Kharakuro, but an unwary traveller might easily find his back stabbed by some much more exotic being - "exotic" judging only by surface's standards, though. A minority among the denizens are the Sereg'wethrin - a notable, yet - due to their affinity to shadows - at times unnoticeable one.

Verloghokbol Districts

A traveller arriving to Verloghokbol from the deeper parts of the Underdark would probably cross the city's outskirts (Eastern and Western) and appear on a broad lane connecting the city's gate defences and portal facilities with the rest of Verloghokbol proper; the area is usually referred to as Gate District. It leads straight into the Temple District, hosting many a basilica and shrine. Two residential quarters, respectively: the Eastern- and the Western Residences, a governmental Citadel District and the bustling Marketplace are accessible therefrom. The Citadel District and the Marketplace border with a harbour on the shore of an underground lake.

Laws and Government

Verloghokbol is effectively governed by three trade cartels, with the City Guard enforcing their will with an iron fist. There is neither a codified law system in Verloghokbol nor the need for such. Troublemakers (especially those who disturb the trade) are dealt with swiftly and finally (the term "fine" itself quite remote from Verloghokbol's City Guard specific concept), in a fashion both brutal and effective.

"Ye bad fer Business, Business bad fer ye! Now outta me sight, asshood." - Bal dub Kimon, City Guard.

Count Sanvobi

Sanvobi is an ancient vampire. His faction is the smallest but wealthiest in Verloghokbol, and is composed entirely of undead. It is said Sanvobi distrusts all the living and for reasons unknown is a worshiper of Kevlos.

Mortanus the Binder

Mortanus is an Adomkuro and a delver in the black arts of demonology. Gruesome tales of dark rituals and experiments cannot be substantiated but his bodyguard and champion, Frostgore, has obviously been twisted and corrupted by some vile power. Motranus' forces are the largest in Verloghokbol, consisting of Adomkuro and demons. His faction was built by Teranoc the Defiler, whom Mortanus killed in a hostile coup.

Lord Grazakhal dub Kimon

Grazakhal, like most in his faction, is a Maleki worshipping, berserker kharakuro. His faction is strong in numbers, but lacks the discipline to maintain control of Verloghokbol.

Source: OOC: The Trade Cartels of Verloghokbol thread.

Black Citadel

Dominating a huge cavern on the eastern outskirts of Verloghokbol is a dreaded tower known as the Black Citadel. The baron of the Black Citadel, the vasharan Lord Gorenikus, has recently returned after an unexplained absence of many years. The trusted head of Gorenikus' guards, Commander Raufssen, managed his affairs and ruled the Black Citadel with an iron fist while he was gone. Historically the Citadel has been in constant conflict with other factions of the Underdark and the ruling cartels of Verloghokbol. Troops were sent frequently to attack caravans and strategic buildings, always avoiding open war. Until recently though the Citadel has remained locked to all but a few, the militia remaining out of sight within its walled compound. With Gorenikus' return many in the city fear this may not remain the case indefinitely.

Source: OOC: The Trade Cartels of Verloghokbol thread.

In Game Developments