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Part of the series on:
Historic Mage Orders
White Ivory Green
Blue Ashen Red
Gold Ebony Violet

White Order of the Light

About Us

The White Order of the Light is a society of mages that seeks to better the world of magic, and by extension, the world as a whole. Like all mage orders, we work primarily within the sphere of the arcane. We are mages and, indeed, citizens of the world; we cannot pretend that we exist in a vacuum. We are parts of societies, cultures, and organizations, and are beholden to those entities for our rights and privileges as individuals. To enact change for the benefit of all, we must be willing to function as lawful, responsible members of the social orders in which we live, fighting injustice whenever possible. As mages, we have a double responsibility, for with the great power granted to us by Andrinor comes the necessity to use our gifts with compassion and care. Innocent lives must be protected from the ravages of tyranny, oppression, and mindless mayhem, for all life is entitled to safety and comfort, stability and happiness. We believe that the means one uses to achieve a goal are just as important as the goal itself; life, beauty and truth are things to be cherished and protected in the long-term as well as the immediate future, and it may not be immediately apparent to the individual what ill effects arise using questionable approaches. In order to achieve our goals, it is important that mages practice discipline, honor, and compassion along with their spell books, so that they can be better prepared to stand up for what they believe.


Active Members

Vanar Alhaldren
Jenny Hallendon
Fergus Goodmane
Jessica Paragon
Arwan Mylwen

Inactive Members

Aria Ashby
Sylux Raynes
Sapphire Moon-Yana
Unen Yana
Terra Earthkin
Erriss Nerivenne
Dalabrin Gillivray
Aramil Fynn

Out of Character Information

Alignment: Lawful Good

Who can join: Only those with the wizard or sorcerer class can join, and those of LG alignment. It is not required that your character be a follower of any specific deity to join.

Base: Visimontium (where we have a nice tower). Many White mages also call Elysia home. We are working on building a tower in the south!

Description: One of the mage orders of Andrinor's Trust. We're always growing, and are looking for even more active members.

What we do: The White Order of the Light is a group of wizards and sorcerers that use magic to help others and uphold justice. We work with other guilds as well as on our own to further the ideals of good and justice, fight evil, perform charitable acts, etc. Arcane magic, to a White Mage, is a tool, one that should be used to help others, protect the innocent and underprivileged, better societies in which they live, and through this better oneself. But it is also worthy as an end to work towards. Working to strike a balance between the world of magic, which is inherently chaotic, with the importance of virtue and honor is one of the most compelling parts of being a mage of the White.

What to expect: Lots of fun, thought-provoking RP, outings and events, and inclusion in some of the more interesting goings-on in Avlis. In-character research and tutoring on spellcasting, good, law, etc. We need people that love to RP, and that want to get involved. Come be a part of it!

What is expected of you: Any LG mage may join, and the amount of involvement in the Order is entirely up to you. We have an involved initiation period which can take up to a few months, and some IC rules about how magic can and can't be used, in keeping with the ideals of a LG order. For example, we have very restrictive rules about necromancy-school and mind-control spells.

Note: It is suggested that you speak to as many orders of the Trust as possible, to find the one that is the best fit for your character.

How to Contact Us

Send an In-Character note to...
Great Mage Vanar Alhaldren(PM Vanar Alhaldren)
Great Mage Jenny Hallendon(PM Jenny Hallendon)
Loremaster Fergus Goodmane(PM Pathos Street)

... or find a member or initiate In-Game!