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Part of the series on
Religious Orders
The Nine

Gorethar - O'Ma - Dru'el

Toran - Mikon - Forian

Valok - Aarilax - Maleki


Angadar - Dagath


Dra'Nar - Dre'Ana


Cha'reth - Ra-Ghul - The'ton

Related subjects

Religious Orders

Alignment - Guilds

Heroes of Dra'Nar
A Holy Order of Dra'Nar

Who We Are

We are a religious organization based on the followings, and teachings of the god Dra'Nar. We seek to help others help themselves, be leaders and show leadership through example, and be Heroes to some that need someone to look up to, such as Orphans.



Neutral Good primarily, but any good


Open to all. Anyone can be a Hero.


Open to all. Anyone can be a Hero.

Other Restrictions

Can not be a member in an organization that is central focus is Destruction, Death, Chaos or Mayhem. You may belong to other orders that do not participate in said focuses.

Organization Details

Base of Operations

We will temporarily meet in Zvidureth at the Leaping Stage Inn, until a more permanent location can be bought and built for us.

How to Contact Us

Founder is Anen La'tin'el, a Priest of Dra'Nar.

Tristan Durst is currently seeking members to join, and can be sent messages via courier to the Romini Inn in Mikona's marketplace.

More recently Gaklah the Stone has made a calling for Heroes and those faithful to Dra'Nar. Messages for Gaklah are best left at the ROTE store in Kharak Zvidurat.

What We Do

Follow Dra'Nar's tenets and philosophy. Help others regardless of race, nationality, and political standing. Take care of Orphans, and to be Heroes to one's self, country, and Dra'Nar.

What to Expect

Helping those in need; founding orphanages across Southern Avlis, and further North; taking care of those devastated by the war between T'Nanshi and M'Chek; being a Hero to someone.