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The coming of NWN:SoU and NWN:HotU have seen the introduction of prestige classes. Prestige classes are taken very seriously on Avlis. Even if your PC fulfills the requirements necessary to start gaining levels in a certain prestige class (such as arcane archer or assassin), he will not be able to do so until he also finds and completes a scripted quest tied to that class. The completion of this quest is to signify the pains that must be taken to get the specialized training necessary to gain levels in that prestige class. Not all of these scripted quests have been implemented in Avlis yet – in the meantime a player can have a prestige class 'unlocked' by a DM upon completing a special DM quest, or as a roleplaying award.

It is important to note that three of the prestige classes in NWN are not allowed in Avlis. The first is the Red Dragon Disciple. This is because red dragons are not indigenous to Avlis, so no native Avlissian character can have red dragon blood. The second is the Champion of Torm. Torm is not worshipped in Avlis, so he has no followers here. The third is the Harper Scout. The Harpers are an organization exclusive to the Forgotten Realms and therefore do not exist on Avlis. Avlis also has its own special prestige classes. These are the holy warriors of the nine major gods (see Part II, Chapter 4, Section F). To be able to gain levels in these prestige classes you must gain permission from the player-run religious order of that deity. There are only two exceptions to this. The first is the paladin class. Anyone can choose to gain levels in paladin; however, it is an Avlis rule that all paladins are worshippers of Gorethar. The second is the blackguard prestige class from SoU. Blackguards are the holy warriors of Maleki – as such, they must be CE in alignment. Blackguards who are not CE cannot gain blackguard levels on Avlis.

NWN prestige classes

Not allowed in Avlis

Avlis Holy Warrior Prestige Class Requirements and Abilities

Paladin (Gorethar, LG)


  • Alignment Restrictions: Lawful Good only
  • Hit Die: d10
  • Skill Points (x4 at 1st level): 2 + Int Modifier
  • Spellcasting: Paladin Spells. Divine -- starts at 4th level (Wisdom based, armor-related chance of spell failure is ignored)
  • Ex-Paladins: A paladin that is no longer lawful good has their holy warrior status stripped from them.


  • Armor proficiency: All, plus shields
  • Weapon proficiency: Simple and martial, not exotic
  • Divine Grace: Your Charisma bonus is added to your saving throws.
  • Divine Health: Paladins are immune to disease.
  • Lay on Hands: Once a day, Paladins can heal their Charisma bonus times their level points of damage. (CHR bonus * level = hps healed)
  • Aura of Courage: Paladins are immune to fear, nearby allies gain +4 to fear saves (granted at 2nd level)
  • Smite Evil: Once a day Paladins can add their Charisma bonus to his attack roll and Paladin level to damage. (CHR bonus + BAB + level = Smite damage) (granted at 2nd level)
  • Turn Undead: Paladins can Turn Undead, like a Cleric 2 levels lower, three times a day plus their Charisma bonus (granted at 3rd level)
  • Remove Disease - Once a day, Paladins can cure a companion of disease. (granted at 3rd level)
  • Detect Evil* (see NOTE below)

Feat progression: Standard

  • Feats at at 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th
  • Epic Paladin gets an Epic Paladin feat every 3 levels after 20th, and can choose from the following list:
    • Armor skin, Devestating Critical, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Great Smiting, Improved Combat Casting, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect Health, Planar Turning (note: prerequisites for these feats apply).

Paladin Spells:
1st Level spells

  • Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Protection from Alignment, Resistance, Virtue, Protection from Alignment, Divine Favor, Deafing Clang, Bless weapon, Magic Weapon, Detect Evil, Lionheart**

Second Level Spells

  • Aid, Bull's Strength, Eagle Splendor, Remove Paralysis, Resist Elements, Aura of Glory, Clarity of Mind, Divine Protection, Undetectable Alignment

Third Level Spells

  • Cure Moderate Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Alignment, Prayer, Remove Blindness and Deafness, Greater Magic Weapon, Blessing of Bahamut (gives DR -10/)

Fourth Level Spells

  • Cure Serious Wounds, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Neutralize Poison, Holy Sword

A word regarding spells: Militant bonuses are halved if the paladin casts "buffs" such as Aid, Bull's Strength and Eagle's Splendor upon him/herself.

*NOTE: Please be aware that to gain the Detect Evil ability is only available in Avlis at character creation, it is necessary to have some files installed in your override directory.

1) Extract the files cls_feat_pal.2da and feat.2da from your CoPaP1_0Hak. (You can do this with NWHak in your utils directory.)

2) Put BOTH those files in your override directory.

This ONLY works when creating a brand-new paladin. The bug that requires this workaround makes it so the feat is not written to the bic file of an existing paladin.

**NOTE: Lionheart grants immunity to fear, touch spell -- but at 4th level, when Paladins get spells, they also get the ability "Aura of Courage"

Champion (O'Ma, NG)

Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +7
Feats: Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Skill Focus: Heal, Two Weapon Fighting
Skills: Heal - 5 Ranks
1st Ambidexterity, Detect Evil, Remove Fear 1/day
2nd Divine Grace
3rd Smite Evil
4th Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
5th Turn Undead
6th Lay on Hands
7th Cure Critical Wounds 2/day
8th Divine Wrath
9th Extra Smiting
10th Divine Shield

Spellcasting Progression: Champions progress in the divine spellcasting class they previously had (if any) at a rate of 1/2 per level.

Avenger (Dru'El, CG)

BAB: +7
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Longbow. Optional: Trackless Step (Ranger/Druid Class Feat) or Alertness
Skills: Heal (3 Ranks), Hide (3 Ranks), Move Silently (3 Ranks), Listen (6 ranks)

1st: Divine Grace, Detect Evil, Detect Law
2nd: Remove Fear - 1/day
3rd: Smite Evil, Bonus Feat (choose 1 of Enchant Arrow, Favored Enemy, Sneak Attack, Extra Smiting)
4th: Turn Undead
5th: Heal Other (Per Psionic Ability: Lend Health) - 2/day
6th: Bonus Feat (choose 1 of Enchant Arrow, Favored Enemy, Sneak Attack)
7th: Eagle's Splendor
8th: Divine Might
9th: Bonus Feat (choose 1 of Enchant Arrow, Favored Enemy, Sneak Attack)
10th: Rogue's Cunning - 1/day, Deneir's Eye

Spellcasting Progression: Avengers progress in the divine spellcasting class they previously had (if any) at a rate of 1/2 per level.

Justicar (Toran, LN)

BAB: +7
Feats: Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Weapon Focus: Longsword, Cleave
Skills: Discipline - 8 Ranks
1st: Protection vs. Chaos
2nd: Soldier's Resolve (Intellect Fortress)
3rd: Divine Grace
4th: Aura of Courage
5th: Remove Blindness
6th: Smite Chaos
7th: Lay on Harm
8th: Shatter Doubt (Suppress Fear)
9th: Battletide
10th: Inspire Confidence
12th: Soldier's Resolve 2x/day
15th: Remove Blindness/Inspire Confidence 2x/day
18th: Battletide 2x/day
21st: Inspire Confidence 2x/day

Additional Epic Bonus Feats: Toran's Insight (Danger Sense), Inspire Greatness, Aura vs. Chaos, Unshakeable Will (Tower of Iron Will)

Spellcasting Progression: Justicars progress in the divine spellcasting class they previously had (if any) at a rate of 1/2 per level.

Equalizer (Mikon, TN)


  • Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +7
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Deity: Mikon
  • Feats:
    • Armor Proficiency: Heavy
    • Weapon Focus: Longsword
    • Combat Casting or Weapon Proficiency (Exotic)
  • Skills:
    • Parry - 4 Ranks
    • Heal - 2 Ranks
    • Taunt - 2 Ranks

Equalizer Class Skills:

  • Equalizers get 2 Skill Points per level
  • Equalizers have access to the following skills: Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Listen, Lore, Parry, Search, Spot, Taunt

Equalizer Class Abilities:

  • 1st: Smite Good, Detect Alignment
  • 2nd: Smite Evil
  • 3rd: Divine Grace (Cha bonus to saves)
  • 4th: Favored Enemy: Outsider (Bonus based on EQ Levels), Turn Undead
  • 5th: Lay on Hands
  • 6th: Lay on Harm
  • 7th: Intensity Attack (+3 to Dex and Con)
  • 8th: Mikon's (Tymora's) smile (+2 to saving throws for 5 turns. 1/day)
  • 9th: Divine Wrath (+3 to attack, damage and saves + DR 5/1 for rounds equal to Cha bonus)
  • 10th: Aura of Protection (a lesser globe of invulnerability for the Equalizer and everyone around him)

Epic Bonus Feats:

  • Equalizers recieve an epic bonus feat every 3 levels.

Epic Equalizer Progression:

  • 12th: Intensity Attack 2/day
  • 15th: Improved Intensity Attack 1/day (+6 to Dex and Con)
  • 18th: Improved Intensity Attack 2/day
  • 20th: Aura of Protection 2/day
  • 21st: Superior Intensity Attack 1/day (+9 to Dex and Con)
  • 24th: Superior Intensity Attack 2/day

Spellcasting Progression:

  • Equalizers progress in the divine spellcasting class AND arcane spellcasting class they previously had (if any) at a rate of 1/2 per level.

Confounder (Forian, CN)


  • Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +7
  • Feats:
    • Weapon Proficiency: Martial
    • Weapon Focus: Heavy Flail or Weapon Focus: Light Flail
  • Skills:
    • Hide - 5 Ranks
    • Taunt - 5 Ranks
    • Lore - 5 ranks
  • Alignment: CN
  • Deity: Forian
  • Hit Die: d8

Class Skills

  • Confounders get access to all skills with the exception of the following: Animal Empathy
  • Confounders get 4 skill points per level.

Class Proficiencies

  • Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Received for free at 1st level)
  • Simple, Martial, Light, Medium and Heavy Armor

Class Abilities:

  • 1st: Detect Law 30', Whirling Flail
  • 2nd: Touch of Random Mischief 1/day, Protection vs. Law
  • 3rd: Divine Grace (per Paladin ability. Charisma to bonuses)
  • 4th: Touch of Random Mischief 2/day
  • 5th: Smite Law
  • 6th: Touch of Random Mischief 3/day
  • 7th: Whirlwind Attack
  • 8th: Touch of Random Mischief 4/day
  • 9th: Improved Whirlwind Attack
  • 10th: Touch of Random Mischief 5/day
  • Confounders receive an epic bonus feat every 3 levels. In addition to the paladin epic bonus feat list they get the following options at epic:
    • Aura vs. Law (Req: 15 Confounder Level)
    • Summon Slaad (Scales per level)

Spellcasting Progression: Confounders progress in the divine spellcasting class they previously had (if any) at a rate of 1/2 per level.

Dominator (Valok, LE)

Hit Die: d8

Proficiencies: Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Weapons (Martial, Simple)

Skill Points: 2 + Int mod

Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Persuade, Search, Spellcraft, Taunt

Primary Saving Throw(s): Will & Fortitude


Deity: Valok

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +7



Special Abilities & Feats:


Feats: The Dominator may take the following feats as bonus feats:

Epic Bonus Feats: Dominators receive an epic bonus feat every 3 levels.

Spellcasting Progression: Dominators progress in the divine spellcasting class they previously had (if any) at a rate of 1/2 per level.

Annihilator (Aarilax, NE)


Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +7

Hit Dice: d8 (Not d10!)

Skill Points: 4+Int per level

Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Discipline, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot



Base Attack Progression: +1/level (as per fighter)

Good Saves: Fortitude and Will


  • 1st: Detect Good 30', Dirty Fighting, Ambidexterity
  • 2nd: Dark Blessing
  • 3rd: Class Feat (Death Attack, Favored Enemy, Two Weapon Fighting Feats, Divine Might, Divine Shield, Weapon Focus (Scimitar, Halberd, Double Sword), Improved critical(same as weapon focus))
  • 4th: Lay On Harm
  • 5th: Turn Undead
  • 6th: Class Feat (see level 3)
  • 7th: Smite Good
  • 8th: Crippling Strike *Note: This ability only works when the Annihilator has at least 1d6 sneak attack damage. Death attack damage does not count.
  • 9th: Class Feat (See level 3)
  • 10th: Avatar of Murder (as Psionic Strength of the Land). +3 to attack and damage (magic damage) for 2 rounds per Annihilator level.

Spellcasting Progression: Annihilators progress in the divine spellcasting class they previously had (if any) at a rate of 1/2 per level.

Epic Abilities Annhilators of level 11 and higher continue to get bonus feats at level 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, and 28.

Epic Bonus Feats Include: Divine Might, Divine Shield, Weapon Focus (Halbred, Two Bladed Sword, Scimitar), Improved Critical (Halbred, Two Bladed Sword, Scimitar), Great Charisma, Epic Prowess, Armor Skin, Aspect of the Serpent (Annhilator only; 16 Annihilator levels req'd), Epic Weapon Focus (Same weapons as Weapon Focus), Two Weapon Fighting, Improved 2 Weapon Fighting, Death Attack+1d6, or Favored Enemy.

Blackguard (Maleki, CE)

Requirements: Hide 5, Cleave, must be Chaotic Evil.

Hit Die: d12

  • 1. Detect Good, Detect Law, Turn Undead
  • 2. Imposition of Will
  • 3. Class Feat (Sneak Attack +1d6, Improved Imposition of Will, Imposition of Hatred)
  • 4. Dark Blessing
  • 5. Lay on Harm
  • 6. Class Feat
  • 7. Smite Good
  • 8. Kiss of the Slaughterlord
  • 9. Class Feat
  • 10. Profane Weapon

Spellcasting Progression: Blackguards progress in the divine spellcasting class they previously had (if any) at a rate of 1/2 per level.

Epic Abilities: Blackguards of level 11 and higher continue to get bonus feats at level 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, and 28.

See Also

Wikipedia:Prestige class, Holy_Warriors