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Part of the series on Character Classes
Base Classes: Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Druid | Fighter | Monk | Paladin | Psion | Ranger | Rogue | Sorcerer | Wizard
Prestige Classes: Arcane Archer | Assassin | Avlis Dragon Disciple | Dwarven Defender | Pale Master | Shadowdancer | Shifter | Weapon Master
Holy Warrior Classes: Annihilator | Avenger | Blackguard | Champion | Confounder | Dominator | Equalizer | Justicar | Paladin



Psion Stats

Prestige Class
Requirements: Non-chaotic, at least 2nd level character
Hit Dice: d6
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Rogue, Druid
Armor Proficiencies: Light
High Saves: Will, Fortitude
Bonus Feats: Arcane Defence (Enchantment), Check PSP Total
Base Attack Bonus: Follows Cleric/Rogue progression
Skill points: 4+INT mod
Class Skills: Concentration, Heal, Lore, Persuade, Search, Spellcraft, Spot

Feat Progression: Two powers may be selected each level. The normal feats received every third level may be used to take an additional power if a psionlevel is taken at that time.

Feats (non-psionic): the standard 1 feat at every 3rd character level. Psions do not receive bonus feats or epic bonus feats.

PSP Total Progression: 10+10*psion-level with a bonus for high Wisdom, Constitution and Intelligence. The Wisdom bonus is applied at each level; the bonus from Constitution and Intelligence only affects the starting PSP (i.e. at first level).

PSP are gained as follows, where (stat-15) has a minimum of zero, and WIS - 5 a minimum of 10:

At first level: PSP = {(WIS - 5) * 2} + (CON - 15) + (INT - 15) + Feats taken at first level

Each new level: PSP = current total + {(Psionlevel-1) * (WIS-5)} + Feats taken at that level

PSP are recalulated whenever one of these elements changes (i.e WIS, CON or INT increases or decreases, changes in level, gaining a feat) using the single fomula:

PSP = {(WIS - 5) * 2} + (CON - 15) + (INT - 15) + Feats + {(Psionlevel-1) * (WIS-5)}

Roleplaying your Psion

Telepathy Guide For the Neverwinter Nights game Avlis PW

Power Descriptions

Psionic Specializations


Psychic Combat
Telepathy - Clairsentience