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*[[PCs:Tyron_Boldheart|Tyron Boldheart]]
*[[PCs:Tyron_Boldheart|Tyron Boldheart]]
*[[PCs:Nija_Vlahos|Nija Vlahos]]
*[[PCs:Nija_Vlahos|Nija Vlahos]]
*[[PCs:Ishra Qiyun|Ishra Qiyun]]

Revision as of 19:25, 13 August 2010

Part of the series on Character Classes
Base Classes: Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Druid | Fighter | Monk | Paladin | Psion | Ranger | Rogue | Sorcerer | Wizard
Prestige Classes: Arcane Archer | Assassin | Avlis Dragon Disciple | Dwarven Defender | Pale Master | Shadowdancer | Shifter | Weapon Master
Holy Warrior Classes: Annihilator | Avenger | Blackguard | Champion | Confounder | Dominator | Equalizer | Justicar | Paladin

Paladin Classes: Paladin | Champion | Avenger | Justicar | Equalizer | Confounder | Dominator | Annihilator | Blackguard

The Dominator

Dominator (Valok, LE)

Dominators are closely associated with the Church of Valok. They often act as guards or emissaries for church business. Long ago, after the Great War, the Dominators of Valok were founded as a deterrent against orc mages. Their mission was to finish the extermination of mages that began with the great explosion they caused at the end of the war.

Even today, the dominators are not fond of arcane casters, though they are willing to accept their existence, unless they are an orc. They still see it as their holy mission given by Valok to eliminate any orc arcane casters, whether covertly or overtly.

Dominators see the Church of Valok as their key to self-advancement. By serving the Church, they plan to find favor in Valok's eyes, and by that gain riches and glory. Serving their god is the price they pay for their own advancement, and they do it gladly, whatever it entails.

It was rumored that the first dominator was Valok's own immortal son, though this has never been confirmed. Even so, dominators see themselves as the sons and daughters of Valok in the image of the first of their order, and they run their life accordingly to his philosophy: gain power through subtle means, prepare for everything, if all goes wrong, fight another day, do not break your word once given, but do not give more than necessary.

Uniformly, the dominators wear heavy armor and carry shields. They have been known to use longswords or bastard swords. In the old days, this was the best method of attack against mages, and it is still traditionally employed today.

Hit Die: d10

Proficiencies: Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Weapons (Martial, Simple)

Skill Points: 2 + Int mod

Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Persuade, Search, Spellcraft, Taunt

Primary Saving Throw(s): Will & Fortitude


Deity: Valok

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +7



Special Abilities & Feats:


Feats: The Dominator may take the following feats as bonus feats:

Epic Bonus Feats: Dominators receive an epic bonus feat every 3 levels.

Spellcasting Progression: Dominators progress in the divine spellcasting class they previously had (if any) at a rate of 1/2 per level.

Revered Dominators