PCs:Sephira Everliss

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Revision as of 09:45, 28 June 2006 by Landrin Mard (talk | contribs) (linked up the Mikona ref)
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Sephira Everliss

Race: Human

Gender Female

Class Sorceress

Alignment True Neutral

Origin: M'Chek, outskirts of Mikona

Year of Birth: 2143

Current Residence: Ferrell, but spends most of her time in Elysia




Sephira grew up in a small village on the outskirts of Mikona. Her family was mostly shunned by the rest of the village, generally seen as black sheep among the other villagers. Her Gift manifested itself in her late teens, and while her family tried to keep it hidden from the rest of the village, it was generally decided that the best thing for her would be to leave the village.

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This section is for other players to write in what their characters think of Sephira. Please only write in if your character has met and interacted with her. I will reformat, edit, correct spelling, etc., but not change content.