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==== Known Affiliations ====
==== Known Affiliations ====

* [[Guild:Sentinels|Visimontium Sentinels]] - Captain, Bearer of Medal of Honour
* [[Guild:Sentinels|Visimontium Sentinels]] - Commander, II-nd Intelligence Division "Andrinor's Shadow", Bearer of Medal of Honour
* ''[[Guild:AshenOrder|Ashen Order]] of the Stars - Magus (2150-2162)''
* ''[[Guild:AshenOrder|Ashen Order]] of the Stars - Magus (2150-2162)''
* [[Guild:BlueOrder|Blue Order]] of the Sky - Magus (Since 2185)
* [[Guild:BlueOrder|Blue Order]] of the Sky - Magus (Since 2185)

Revision as of 12:31, 13 August 2008

File:Miriel header.jpg

Public Profile


Portrait of Miriel

Miriel Hana Tel'Suzail, now Xilo'rulithii, is a familiar figure in Visimontium from the early days of the Holy City of Andrinor - the middle of the XXII century after the Age of Peace. She still is very young for an elf, skinny and pale in appearance, keeping her silver hair cut short in a boyish manner. Miriel's face is framed in an expresionless mask, her silver eyes are cold and her smile unwelcoming. The numerous silver piercings on her ears, nose, tongue and chin catch the eye, as well as her ability to disappear for the naked eye around the nearest corner. The piercing on her chin has made a small and often disturbed wound bed. Her once silver hair now is slowly turning white. Despite the general air of exhaustion and weakness about her body, Miriel often surprises the onlookers with lightning fast reflexes, physical versatility and endurance.

Miriel walks the streets of Visimontium wearing the light red and black uniform of a Sentinel and prefers to travel south clad in her Blue Order mage robes. Apart from this formal attire, her wardrobe includes mostly unusual cuts of clothing of her own making. Those who chance to see her bare skin at night can see it reflecting the moonlight like mother-of-pearl. Miriel prefers not to uncover her right shoulder even if wearing a revealing dress - but when she does, the Mark of Andrinor's Trust is clearly seen there.

As the turn of the century draws close, she is seen wearing the holy periapt of Andrinor openedly, although many remember her in the holy vestments of Vorin, and some may recall her in association with Valok. Her voice is a light alto, bearing a soft rasp which becomes a sharp croak in the rare cases when she yells a command. Often she speaks in a melodious semblance of the Drangonari language. Those who can recognise it may also be able to discern her origin, as Miriel visibly stands out from most Avlissian elves.

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Miriel's Ear-Ring, Made by Delaroweil Hend
Portrait of Miriel
File:Miriels Card.jpg
Miriel's Card, Circa 2190

Known Affiliations

Popular Written Works

Personal Life

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Miriel and Amand Xilo, 2171

Miriel's Journal

After her husband's death, Miriel begins her memoirs.
View the surviving pages

Family and Friends

Aman'dul Xilo'rulithii (Deceased) - Miriel and Amand Xilo spend two decades as husband and wife, from 2163 until Amand's death in 2185.

Aurelinis'liandu Xilo'rulithii and Orostau Nilnoste Xilo'rulithii - Miriel accepts Amand's brother Aurelinis and his second wife as close family.

Ialath Fentellon - Ialath and Miriel used to be constantly seen together during their first decade spent in Visimontium, mostly around the tower of the Ashen Order of the Stars. Often they speak in one voice, showing unique alikeness of mind, even after their lifepaths take different directions and do not cross for long periods of time.

Imoth - Miriel meets Imoth during her first months on Avlis, around the Ashen Order tower in Elysia. Imoth has kept Miriel under her wing ever since, often calling her "dottir". Miriel returns the favour by refering to Imoth as to her step-mother.

Aria Ashby - Aria encounters Miriel during her travels around the earthbergs of Hala in the plane of Ysgard. Miriel joins her on Aria's journey home (Elysia, Avlis) in the winter of 2148, where she remains to this very day. Their work affiliations keep them far apart more often than not, although distance hardly matters between true friends.

Whisper - The towering champion of Ra-Ghul is the one whom Miriel calls "brother", after blood oath taken in 2169. Few can fathom the depth of this blood bond, or the reasons behind it, or why it is now severed.

Ere'n'dhl El'eash'al (Deceased) - In the sunset of his life, Ere'n'dhl was one of the people remaining mostly close to Miriel in good and bad times. To this very day she speaks his name with reverence.

Delaroweil Hend - What begins as an acquintanceship between a student and a master arcanist of the Blue Order of the Sky, blossoms into a starlit path: One to be walked by a Moon Elf and a Half-Fey.

Aerill Ailpera and Fealith Anifail - To Miriel, the two are not merely her commanders within the Visimontium Sentinels. She accepts their advice and guidance as if from family elders, and often can be found around them in casual conversation.

Elyl Ka'aestar and Fade Redweth Ka'aestar - Miriel has known this Ghost Elven couple from long before their marriage. She values both of them for their strength of character and honesty. While Miriel and Elyl are known partners in prank, the friendship Miriel has with Fade is rather tentative.

Other people with whom Miriel openedly keeps in touch

Anomandaari | Ashanar Sekor (Ash) | Ath'Nook Nekk'en | Dusk Redrilo
Gotthardt Staahl | Hebrin Maul | Kaytza Aym'awl Karna | Kish'ti and Mhog'ar
Raen | Sephira Everliss - Raynes and Sylux Raynes | Shayra Thornberry
Shannen Di'rithia - Amanta and Rune Amanta | Sinomi Sii | Tinker Harlan
Tralil Breck | William Trueheart

"This young elf has the annoying habit to demand a lot more of your time than you really want.
Perhaps that is a sign of significance - time will show."

Krator Blackfist on Miriel Hana Xilo'rulithii

"My friend is short and to the point
That's Miriel Xilo...
I'm sure she means no great offense,
It's how she says 'Hello'."

Adagio D'Tranticus on Miriel Hana Xilo'rulithii

The Xilo'rulithii